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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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Apple and Samsung’s smart phone dominance is under threat from local brands, particularly in the world’s biggest smartphone market of China. AAP

The newcomer smartphones challenging Apple and Samsung

For most people, smartphones are synonymous with only a handful of companies. This is understandable given that the market leaders Samsung and Apple are responsible for 50% of global smartphone sales…
Melbourne’s apartment glut is driven by investors attracting ‘transient’ renters, rather than people embracing the city lifestyle. flickr/mugley

Dormitory city: Melbourne’s brittle highrise apartment boom

The Melbourne apartment surge is just beginning. In the next few years, an unprecedented number of apartments will hit the city’s already crowded skyline. But our new research shows this does not mean…
Refinancing agreements have lent Billabong a lifeline, but the surf brand will need to reconnect with its core customers to stay in business. Cassiede Alain/Shutterstock

Regaining their “cool”: can the big three surf brands recover?

Australia’s “big three” surf brands have found themselves in choppy financial waters. Last week, Billabong, one of Australia’s most iconic surf brands confirmed a $386 million refinancing agreement with…
Could a funding model used to build Sydney’s West Connex motorway also help finance urban rail? AAP

A road less travelled – funding Australia’s urban rail

Sydney’s West Connex Motorway, one of Australia’s biggest infrastructure projects, is not without its downsides but may provide a potential model on how future urban public transport projects can be financed…
Many consider manufacturer’s versions of Android to be “bloatware” when compared with what’s available on Google’s own Nexus 4. Janitors via Flickr

Android customisation about to go mainstream

The practice of installing modified versions of the Google Android operating system on other smartphones is about to become mainstream. CyanogenMod, the people behind one of the custom ROMs (as these versions…
Despite his electoral success earlier this year, WA premier Colin Barnett has suffered a string of economic blows - the latest being a credit rating downgrade and the rejection of his proposed raise in the GST. AAP/Theron Kirkman

GST rebuff and credit downgrade add to Barnett’s annus horribilis

2013 hasn’t been a good year for Western Australian premier Colin Barnett. Standard and Poor’s recent downgrade of his government’s credit rating continues a pattern. It is not an aberration. Barnett’s…
Low to moderate income earning are finding themselves ‘trapped’ in the outer suburbs, due to the slow growth rates of their property. flickr/Image_of_Money

Can lower income buyers build housing wealth too?

The historically low interest rates being enjoyed by Australian households are fuelling talk of a housing bubble, despite efforts by the Reserve Bank of Australia to hose down what it calls “unrealistic…
The new government faces sorting out a complex mess of stalled talks on various free trade agreements. AAP

Why embracing free trade may be more complicated than it looks

If headlines are to be believed, the new Coalition government is set to “embrace free trade” in its first term in office. In announcing his new Ministry last week, Tony Abbott has made significant changes…
Consumers are excited about the launch of the iPhone 5S - but the pricing game means bargains are unlikely. AAP

In the game of iPhone pricing, consumers are the losers

Game theory is a branch of strategic decision making that tries to predict how players in any strategic game are likely to act. It can be applied in many situations and it can also help to explain what…
Would the private sector get away with the kind of gender imbalance in the Abbott Cabinet? AAP / Lukas Coch

Would business tolerate the Abbott cabinet gender imbalance?

It would be wrong to think that gender equality in the workplace is still elusive. Even if the Abbott government’s Cabinet, with its sole female member in foreign minister Julie Bishop would seem to show…
Coles is believed to have applied for an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution licence, which would allow it to take deposits. AAP

Mortgage price check in aisle four as Coles banks on future

The news that Coles may be seeking a banking licence would, if confirmed, put the supermarket group and its parent company Wesfarmers in direct competition with Australia’s major banks. It would allow…
Companies should make a greater effort to include data on gender inequality in sustainability reports. Image from

Data is key to tackling sexism in the workplace and beyond

Violence against women, rape, bungling of rape cases, sexism at work and in leadership are prominent topics in news headlines. Such crimes and injustices are borne out of cultures that tolerate them. Poor…
Twitter CEO, Dick Costolo, faces the challenge of adding value to the company’s shares, without detracting from the user experience. AAP

Twitter’s IPO: what we know so far

In a tweet that could represent US$110 million for every one of its 135 characters, Twitter last week announced that it would be following fellow social network providers Facebook and LinkedIn in becoming…
Tony Abbott has said he’d like an audit of government spending - but history suggests they are often ignored, or used to break election promises. AAP

An audit that we don’t need

In 1983, the Thatcher government in the UK was waging war with local government, which was with some success avoiding the pain of public sector restraint while revelling in the catchphrase “local socialism…
Unemployment has higher psychic costs for workers who identify with the Protestant work ethic. Image sourced from

O, what a tangled Weber we weave with unemployment

Recently released labour force figures have shown a rise in unemployment figures to 5.8% and, with Treasury’s budget update slating a rise to 6.25% by the end of the financial year, the future doesn’t…
Both the Labor and Liberals see infrastructure as a crucial economic driver; but Chinese investment in this area has been politicised. AAP

Infrastructure prime minister must face Chinese elephant in room

Tony Abbott wants to be known as the infrastructure prime minister. He could be remembered for building roads and scrapping high-speed rail. But the role of Chinese finance and technical expertise in infrastructure…
The Coalition will retain the Labor government’s onshore extension of the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax. AAP

Coalition to axe mining tax, but petroleum will keep on giving

Along with repealing the carbon tax, scrapping the mining tax is one of the Abbott government’s first orders of business. Deeming it damaging for jobs and investment, Prime Minister Tony Abbott promised…
Research suggests Twitter trends can accurately forecast stock market changes.

How twitter informs the stock market

On April 23, the US stock market suddenly lost 1.5% of its value after news of an attack on the White House quickly spread from the (hacked) Twitter account of the Associated Press news agency. Within…
Kodak shareholders have reason to celebrate, with the camera manufacturer bouncing out of bankruptcy. Sourced from AAP images

Kodak’s survival not a black and white issue

“Kodachrome, it gives the nice bright colours, it gives the dreams of summer, it makes you think all the world’s a sunny day.” (Paul Simon, Kodachrome, 1973, from ‘There Goes Rhymin Simon.) Eighteen months…
Resource tax reform could solve the problem of an ageing population. But is the current government brave enough to do it? Sourced from

Ageing population and mining: a tale of two booms

In an unusual move, Mission Australia and the Business Council of Australia recently co-authored a piece calling for a mature and open conversation about tax reform. They join a chorus of voices, from…
Streets ahead - the Philippines, which has been one of the largest recipients of Australian aid, is now a lower middle-income country that increasingly has the economic resources to reduce poverty on its own. Wiechert Visser/Flickr

What does a Coalition government mean for Australian aid policy?

The recent election of a Coalition government will usher in a new era in Australian aid policy, with a likely re-emphasis on national interests, the Asia-Pacific and economic growth. Last Thursday, the…