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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5801 - 5825 of 7439 articles

How well-placed is Tony Abbott’s new government to tackle the economic issues facing Australia, both domestically and internationally? AAP/Rob Griffith

Tony Abbott: the situational Keynesian

Tony Abbott became prime minister on Saturday by promising to lead an adult government of competence and stability after years of Labor infighting and backflips. Policy details and bankable pledges were…
Indian Finance Minister P. Chidambaram is facing high inflation, an annual trade deficit of US$200 billion and a falling rupee. AAP

India’s inflation woes could see rupee fall even further

The Indian economy is in trouble. The anticipated tapering of the US Federal Reserve’s aggressively expansionary quantitative easing program has seen a drying up of capital inflow into a country with a…
A US inquiry is questioning Lynn Tilton and her firm Patriarch Partners over its relationship with an ex-Army official, Norbert E Vergez. Wikimedia Commons

Private equity’s very public connections

US reports have recently circulated of a government probe into the hiring of former Colonel Norbert Vergez by the private equity firm Patriarch Partners, headed by billionaire “turnaround queen” and would-be…
The Coalition government’s attitude towards the public service is unclear beyond its promise to cut 12,000 jobs. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Transition to government: what now for the public service?

Commonwealth public servants will have arrived at their offices this morning feeling a mix of relief and trepidation. Relief because the disorder and uncertainty of serving a divided and besieged minority…
The proportion of renters is now roughly equal to the numbers of outright home owners. Image from

Home equity: Australia’s growing wealth divide

For all our talk about housing affordability, few people want house prices to drop. That’s because most Australians are home owners, and much of our wealth is stored in housing. But recent figures released…
Hands up if you’re running a country. Europeancouncil

Pride and prejudice as curtain comes down on the G20

Last orders at the G20 Summit and the press narrative here solidified around “the grumpy summit” and “economic agenda hijacked by Syria” headlines. A Russian official may or may not have alleged the UK…
Well-targeted aid to countries in need is not just an act of generosity but an essential investment in our future. AAP

Foreign aid, like roads, is an investment

As Australians head to the ballot box we are consumed with issues that are necessarily defined by national borders. However, as Australia takes up the presidency of the Security Council and attends the…
Servicing the current level of public gross debt is not a problem for Australia. Image sourced from

Explainer: the role of budget deficits

There continues to be a great debate around Australia’s fiscal position. Yet, budget deficits are, in fact, a natural outcome of the business cycle. In a policy brief, co-authored by myself and colleagues…
While the media is billing the G20 Leaders Summit as a meeting about Syria, it is not the right world body to discuss the issue. AAP

Day one at the G20 Summit: tense and sensibility

G20 leaders are gathering at the Constantine Palace in St Petersburg today to hold a series of discussions and finalise the Action Plan. The International Media Centre is buzzing with nearly 3,000 members…
There is an argument that government spending can create economic growth the private sector won’t provide. Image sourced from

Putting the cart before the horse in the debate over fiscal policy

The economic debate during the election period has centred on the costings of the proposed policies of the major parties. Unfortunately what little “debate” we’ve seen has become a bit like a black hole…
The Coalition has unveiled the remainder of its long-awaited costings. AAP

Coalition unveils election costings: experts respond

The Coalition has released the remainder of its costings, one-and-a-half days before the election, outlining a plan to fund an A$11.5 billion infrastructure package by cutting foreign aid growth by $4.5…
Assumptions behind the savings that could be attributed to high speed broadband stand up to scrutiny. Image sourced from

Savings projections stand up for benefits of high-speed broadband

Just three days out from the election, the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) has released a report it commissioned from Deloitte Access Economics which estimates that…
Tony Abbott has promised not to cut areas such as health, education and payments to the poor and disadvantaged, but a Commission of Audit report traditionally trumps such Liberal National Party promises. AAP

Hidden in plain sight: commission cuts and non-core promises

There has been much, and justified, criticism, of Tony Abbott’s decision to conceal the costings of his policies until two days before the election, when the electronic media blackout will be in place…
Recent reports reveal that the cost of environmental damage far outweighs the cost of business model restructuring. Image from

Dollar signs of the times: how our politicians are costing the Earth

One of the most depressing and puzzling features of the current election campaign is the lack of emphasis on the costs that environmental risks pose to industry and business. Australian politicians appear…
Legally, it would be extremely difficult to prove shopper docket fuel discounts are anti-competitive. Michael Welsh via Flickr

Are shopper dockets anti-competitive? Good luck proving it

A curious feature of the election campaign to date has been the lack of focus on competition and consumer policy. Generally this subject rates highly, as parties try to curry favour with consumers and…
Don’t tell me to calm down - emotional expression is an inherent part of social discourse. Flickr/paolaharvey

Hot under the collar about climate change? It’s natural

Climate change is an issue that fires the emotions. Our media is full of images of this emotional engagement, from the despair of a venture capitalist in tears as he describes his fear “that we’re not…
Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer is taking Nokia’s mobile business off the hands of its interim CEO, Risto Siilasmaa. AAP

Microsoft buys Nokia to make its own phones. Will they be that smart?

In a move that was paradoxically as unexpected as it was inevitable, Finnish mobile phone company Nokia has sold its mobile phones business to Microsoft for US$7.2 billion. The deal comes at a time when…
The 2013 G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governor’s Meeting in Moscow resulted in a global roadmap to help combat corporate tax evasion. AAP

What does the G20 actually do?

Presumably, you have now read all about what on earth the G20 is, and you care deeply. But what does it actually do? The aim of the G20 is clear. The 2009 G20 Framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced…
Will innovation policy stall with a change of government? AAP

Will the green shoots of Australian innovation policy be cut off prematurely?

Australia’s 2013 election campaign is noteworthy not just for the ferocity of the party leaders’ exchanges on tax and policy costings but also for the corresponding [absence of any substantial debate](](…
Kevin Rudd’s plan could actually end up costing jobs. AAP

Rudd’s jobs plan misses the mark

The Prime Minister has declared that jobs is the first priority. He will create them while the opposition intends to cut, cut, cut. At his policy launch he said that “Federal Labor is going to this election…
Wage bargaining conditions may well change under a coalition government. AAP

What do new disclosures reveal about Coalition IR policy?

Two unexpected disclosures have refocused attention on the Coalition industrial relations policy before the election. The first was further detail from workplace relations shadow minister Eric Abetz about…
Rate cuts are slowly being felt by the economy, but are they working fast enough to stimulate growth? shutterstock

Interest rates: waiting for the election dust to settle

With the federal election only five days away and the cash rate at an historical low last month, the dominant approach for the Shadow Board members is to wait and see what the election will bring. The…
The Qantas vs Virgin war is now being fought on a broader battleground, with new players rapidly gaining ground. Michael Coghlan via Flickr

Aussie airlines feel the pressure as international competition strengthens

The most recent round of what is presented in Australia as a battle for supremacy in a two-horse race saw Qantas and Virgin Australia revealing their annual results. Qantas reported a net profit for the…