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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5826 - 5850 of 7439 articles

Emirates President Tim Clark and Qantas CEO Alan Joyce have plenty to smile about, with their partnership producing impressive first-year results. APP

Modest profit jump puts spring in Qantas step

Hopping from a A$250 million net profit for the 2010/11 financial year to a A$245 million net loss next period can make any CEO skip a few heartbeats, but this doesn’t deter Qantas chief executive Alan…
Cuts to Australia’s clean energy programs don’t make the promised savings, and threaten our low-carbon future. AAP Image/Penny Bradfield

Coalition climate figures don’t add up

Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey and shadow Minister for Finance, Andrew Robb, have announced A$7.5 billion in planned budget savings from scrapping key elements of the Government’s Clean Energy Future package…
Denial of problems runs deep in Canberra, where it seems even the most active and insightful of people struggle against inertia, mis-focus and Myna chatter. Image from

Economic Myna sing songlines of our debt dreamtime

We start with the bush, where incomes are stalled, or plunging, as farmers battle. Here, the common economic Myna flocks, displacing sound native ideas with dizzy chatter - and prosperity with penury…
The Essendon supplements scandal that has enveloped the current AFL season has created the narrative of villains and heroes. Is it a sports marketers’ dream? AAP/Julian Smith

Marketing sport: villains and heroes in AFL brand narratives

This season, some sports commentators and footy fans have argued that the investigation into the supplements regime at Essendon has brought the club, the AFL and “the code” to their knees. From a branding…
The mining boom is over but our political leaders have refused to acknowledge that bad times may be coming. Image from

Election 2013 Issues: How we make our money

Welcome to the The Conversation’s Election 2013 State of the Nation essays. These articles by leading experts in their field provide an in-depth look at the key policy challenges affecting Australia as…
It comes as shock to retire with less superannuation than someone on a similar income. Image sourced from

A fundamental flaw in the Australian retirement system?

Most Australians accept that during their working life, some earn more than others. But will they accept that the compulsory Superannuation Guarantee Levy system could deliver very different post retirement…
There’s a dearth of analysis, debate and commentary on what the key infrastructure projects ought to look like. Image from

Election 2013 Issues: The Australia we’re building

Welcome to the The Conversation’s Election 2013 State of the Nation essays. These articles provide in-depth analyses of key policy challenges affecting Australia as the nation heads to the polls. Today…
Research on work and family policies support an approach that responds to the intensive demands of early childhood, as well as birth. Image from

A family affair - good policy is more than paid parental leave

When the Labor government introduced a national paid parental leave (PPL) scheme on 1 January, 2011, it was late to the international party. The International Labour Organisation had been recommending…
Treasurers’ face-off: just who had the more convincing narrative? AAP

Bowen versus Hockey: a debate in search of a narrative

Treasurer Chris Bowen didn’t have much ammunition at the National Press Club’s Treasurers’ debate. He could talk about the NBN, Disability Care, education spend, and the like, but not really about the…
Fabrice Tourre, a former trader for Goldman Sachs, walks out of the United States Federal Court after being found liable for defrauding investors. AAP

Walking the line on GFC times

Echoes of the Global Financial Crisis resonate while debate continues on the best way of dealing with its consequences, including the actions taken by the Europeans and Americans to counter its effects…
Tony Abbott’s about-face on delivering a surplus in his first term is smart politics and good policy. AAP

Why Abbott is right to abandon surplus promise

After beating up Kevin Rudd and Labor over debt and deficits for years, Tony Abbott has now dumped any return to surplus mantra, merely saying a Coalition government would beat Labor’s bottom line over…
Neither political party seem interested in talking about affordable housing in this election campaign. AAP

Why isn’t housing affordability an election issue?

The high cost of housing in Australia’s cities is denying most aspiring first home buyers the opportunity to purchase a home. The current high dwelling prices reflect the long boom of the 2000s, when across…
Former Gunns boss John Gay leaves court after being fined $50,000 and avoiding jail time for insider trading. AAP

Will John Gay’s sentence for insider trading really deter others?

The former chairman of Gunns Ltd John Gay has received a $50,000 fine for insider trading but will not serve time in jail. Will such a sentence really deter others who might be tempted to engage in insider…
What is the future of Australian productivity and investment after the mining boom? AAP/Christian Sprogoe

After the boom: where will growth come from?

Where will jobs and growth come from after the mining boom? This is the fundamental question facing the next Australian government, whose success will depend to a great extent on how it addresses this…
As the sun sets on our fossil fuel reliance, the need to dedicate our carbon budget to renewable energy becomes increasingly critical. Image sourced from

Our carbon black hole - the real budget shortfall

There is a particular kind of budget shortfall that won’t get any mention in this election campaign, and yet this shortfall has immense implications for the economic and social future of Australia. The…
ADM’s takeover bid on Graincorp is stirring foreign investment fears. AAP

GrainCorp and the thorny issue of foreign ownership

No other product category generates as much emotion as food. This should come as no surprise as nations have fought to protect and to provide a reliable supply of food for their burgeoning population since…
Under new chief Andrew Mackenzie, BHP’s focus has clearly moved from expansion to cost reduction. AAP

Iron born: BHP steels itself for the future

What are investors who buy BHP Billiton shares buying into? BHP shares are a bet on two things. First, commodity prices and especially the price of iron ore, hydrocarbons and copper. Second, the ability…
For many Australians, the lure of the Valley is the feeling of being in a place that understands their risky business. Image sourced from

Beyond Silicon Valley: start-up hubs in Australia’s backyard

There were some raised eyebrows when the smiling faces of Atlassian founders Scott Farquhar and Mike Cannon-Brookes appeared at the top of Business Review Weekly’s annual young rich list. The business…