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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5926 - 5950 of 7439 articles

President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 - three years later, industry have successfully appealed against its transparency initiatives. AAP

Should the Dodd-Frank Act force miners to publish what they pay?

This week, the powerful American Petroleum Institute (API), along with a coalition of trade organisations, won a significant battle against increased corporate transparency. In a lawsuit lodged against…
Australia enjoys a privileged relationship with most economies in the Asian region because of the integrated global value chain. Image sourced from

Increasing Australia’s edge through Asian value chains

Australia is facing increasingly stiff competition from developed economies all vying for a share of the growth pie in the East and South Asian region, where Australia has integrated its value chain activities…
A senate inquiry into Australia’s corporate regulator will question how well it does its job. Image sourced from

ASIC headed for a health check at Senate Inquiry

On the face of it, the banning of seven financial planning advisers and $50 million worth of compensation paid to burnt investors would be considered a good outcome for our corporate regulator. But the…
Spanish emigrants wait to leave the country in the 1960s, a pattern that is being repeated today as Spanish youth swap laptops for cardboard cases and leave in droves to find a better life. Supplied

History repeats as Spain’s best and brightest flee

At the airport in Seville, Spain, we meet Alfredo who has come with his granddaughter Alicia. She is about to board a plane to Germany, following in the footsteps of her grandfather, who also sought a…
In most of our workplaces and institutions there are subtle, cumulative, insidious judgements and responses that serve to reinforce the powerful status quo of leadership. Image sourced from

Is this the end of the gender wars?

Accounts in the media over the past week explain, or rather rationalise, the downfall of our first female Prime Minister. One-time feminist warrior Eva Cox found that Julia Gillard failed to communicate…
Pressure over carbon pricing and emission trading schemes is building globally and locally. AAP

Coalition plays chicken with first non-core promise

Australian climate change inaction is often excused with “unless China and the US do something, why should we?”. But, with China’s recent introduction of a cap-and-trade system and Barack Obama’s move…
A decision by the Labor Government to transfer sole parents onto the lower Newstart allowance has been internationally criticised. AAP

We should be shamed by our record on child poverty

Last night’s story by the ABC’s Four Corners program on the precarious plight of the unemployed gave the nation an object lesson on empathy, a salutary exposé for those who prefer to trust in sophisticated…
George Soros says it is necessary to redefine the assumptions and axioms on which economic theory is based. AAP

The end of economics as we know it? Don’t bet on it

According to billionaire George Soros, co-founder of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, proving the bankruptcy of traditional economic theory is “mission accomplished” and it is now time to determine…
Chinese authorities have calmed market fears of a liquidity squeeze but will there be further disruptions? AAP

Interest rates: More of the same?

Recent liquidity fears and resulting international market volatility has put the spotlight on global monetary policy and the role of central banks - including Australia. China’s attempts to re-balance…
The survival of Pacific Island tax havens depends on a bigger struggle between the Global North and the Global South. Shutterstock

Pacific Islands shine light on larger tax-haven fight

The role of offshore tax havens have come under increasing fire amid growing global concern over tax revenues, with a calls for greater transparency from the recent G8 summit and the recommendation of…
Rudd needs to rebuild a relationship with the business community. AAP

What can Rudd do to win back business?

The relationship between the former Gillard government and business reached a very low point when last March, a peak business body complained that the business community was being treated with “a complete…
The general perception of a tax haven as mostly illegal and illegitimate isn’t borne out. Image sourced from

Not all bank accounts in tax havens amount to criminal conduct

More than 500 Australians are apparently on a list of tax haven users obtained by the Washington-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, as part of its investigation into the use of…
Sixties style - Mad Men characters Roger Sterling and Don Draper still show men how it’s done in business and politics. AAP

Men at the helm – mad, bad and dangerous to know

Labor may have “ditched the witch”, but does the ejection of Julia Gillard from her seat of power close the book on the debate about sexism that she championed and the role of women in leadership? Our…
BHP chief executives are paid 50 to 100 times the average Australian earnings. Does this reflect a broader trend in senior pay? AAP

Exec pay in Australia - do the rich get richer?

When the Productivity Commission reported in 2009 that average chief executive pay tripled from 1993 to 2009, you could have been forgiven for shrugging your shoulders and moving on. What else is new…
James Logan is trying to portray his company as the victim, not the aggressor, in the patent troll dispute. Shutterstock

Just misunderstood: Podcasting ‘inventor’ denies patent troll tag

Personal Audio is the company behind attempts to assert claims on patents that cover podcasting and audio playlists. James Logan, its founder, believes that he and his company have been misrepresented…
Dividend washing enables some domestic investors to essentially gain a dividend “twice”. Image sourced from

A frank debate - dividend washing and double dipping

There is currently considerable interest in the practice of “dividend washing”. This refers to the practice of investors being able to trade shares cum-dividend for a period after the ex-dividend date…
Buying power doesn’t always stack up as the best measurement for who we are and how far we’ve come. Shutterstock/ MaleWitch

More pie in the sky - economic progress no slice of life

In the verbal volley between Gillard and Abbott, Swan and Hockey, there is a conversation that we are not hearing. It bubbles below the consciousness of mainstream Australia, a conversation that is old…
When the sporting gods smile at Australia, we go to Rio, but Brazil has long been on the international business map. AAP

All business roads lead to Rio

We have recently witnessed Brazil being hit by mass protests not seen since the days of the military dictatorship, but apart from the Socceroos going to the 2014 World Cup and the Rio Olympics in 2016…
Pop singer Justin Bieber claims 38 million Twitter followers - but are these as manufactured as his music? AAP

Not a BeLieber - twitter followers fake it both in name and nature

How many Twitter followers do you have? As a rule of thumb, the worth of a conventional blog can be measured by the number of comments it accrues per posting. If comments are the social capital of blogs…
Markets have reacted to the possibility of an end to the US quantitative easing program with alarm - but is it justified? AAP

Cheap money masks need for change

The mere suggestion that the United States might reduce its quantitative easing program sent global markets into a spin last week. Though Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke had said something similar…
Independent analysis of labour market shortages is needed for 457 visas. AAP

There is a simple solution to the 457 visa impasse

This debate around 457 visas boils down to a difference of opinion on how best to identify a domestic skill shortage for which a 457 visa can be used. For Labor, the most desirable option for recognising…
Australian women are increasingly occupying senior international roles. Image sourced from

Australian women go overseas to escape the glass ceiling

At a time of much hand-wringing around the future of manufacturing in this country, especially in sectors dominated by foreign multinationals, we might take solace in the emerging efforts of an under-appreciated…
Global markets have experienced sharp sell-down off fears of a wind-down in US quantitative easing. AAP

Reasons why we should expect a lower Australian dollar

The response to US Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke’s comments about the possibility of ending its policy of quantitatitive easing has helped evoke a global sell-off as markets question his upbeat assessment…