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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 7076 - 7100 of 7441 articles

Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi wants closer ties with China - but Europe shouldn’t believe this will save the EU. AAP

Why China won’t – and can’t – save the Eurozone

Earlier this week, reports emerged that Italian finance officials had held talks with their Chinese counterparts regarding the possibility of China making significant purchases of Italy’s public debt…
The outcome of the negotiations will have far-reaching consequences for access to medicines in participating countries.

Trade talks set to undermine access to medicines for the world’s poor

Trade negotiations currently being conducted behind closed doors could see a major setback to providing access to essential medicines for the world’s poorest people. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement…
The British banking sector is facing a major shakeup in the wake of the global crisis. AAP

Three years after UK’s banking crisis, will reforms deliver?

Major proposals designed to reform Britain’s banking sector after its spectacular 2008 crash have been described as one of the biggest shakeups in a generation. But they are likely be inadequate for a…
Insider trading detection in Australia has evolved, but ASIC still needs a win. AAP

Hanlong insider trading case will test ASIC’s resolve

Five senior executives of the Chinese-owned investor Hanlong Mining have had assets frozen after the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) launched an investigation into alleged insider…
Does the finance industry rely too heavily on contestable economic data? AAP

The problem with our economic data addiction

People who work in business and finance are obsessed with economic data releases – GDP growth figures, unemployment rates, trade statistics, and so on. Business journalists, investors, financial analysts…
Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey wants the Opposition’s policies privately costed. AAP

Costing the promises: what is a Parliamentary Budget Office?

Federal parliament has begun debating the merits of a new independent unit which would cost election promises and policies for all parliamentarians. But one of the more controversial aspects of the Gillard…
In the game of economic and environmental chess, Gunns’s position is looking precarious.

Gunns heading for its Tasmanian endgame

In chess, the endgame takes place when only a handful of pieces are left on the board. In close games, the players must select the best move available to avoid being checkmated. Gunns – Tasmania’s “forest…
With Britain’s phone hacking scandal demonstrating the flaws of self-regulation, an Australian privacy law proposal shouldn’t be seen as threatening free speech. AAP

Far from sinister, privacy laws might mean media does its job better

There is a monster under the bed, frightening young and old. That monster is the proposal for a tort of breach of privacy. It is time that we turned on the lights, looked under the bed and looked our fears…
If Greece’s economy collapses, it could easily lead to a breakdown of civil order. AAP

What will happen if Greece defaults?

Global markets look set for a rough week amid new concerns that Greece could default on its massive debt. The Australian share market has spent most of the day down 3% after reports that Germany could…
In announcing his $US447 billion stimulus, Obama has his eyes firmly on the US election in 2012.

Obama throws down electoral gauntlet with economic plan

Barack Obama has laid out a US$447 billion (A$421 billion) plan to cut payroll taxes and boost government spending to create jobs, in a bid to “jolt” the stalled US economy back to life. Obama told a joint…
Record terms of trade have masked dropping productivity growth - until now. AAP

Australia’s productivity: what can be done?

What is to be done about Australia’s deteriorating productivity performance? It’s by no means inconceivable that the answer to this question could be “nothing”. Historical precedent strongly suggests Australians…
Cutting penalty rates and reviving individual workplace agreements will have no impact on productivity. AAP

Workplace ‘reform’ won’t cure our ailing productivity

Business leaders are insisting changes be made to the Fair Work Act to boost productivity. Retailers apparently face a crisis because of penalty rates, and an MP agrees that penalty rates stymie productivity…
The ACCC has pledged to take more businesses to court over anti-competitive behaviour. Hacklock

Will Rod Sims’ tougher approach pay off for the ACCC?

When the appointment of Rod Sims as chairman of the competition watchdog was announced earlier this year, there was disquiet among some competition lawyers. Would Sims, an economist, readily appreciate…
Don Argus’s focus on industrial relations overlooks the real issues behind slowing productivity growth. AAP

Don Argus blames IR for productivity slump - but are other factors at work?

Former BHP Billiton Chairman Don Argus has blamed inflexible industrial relations laws for Australia’s lagging productivity, describing the Gillard Government’s economic reform agenda as “lazy”. Argus…
Equal pay is a test case for employers, who frequently appear not to recognise gender pay disparity. AAP

Why the gender pay gap remains invisible for employers

Last week’s Equal Pay Day highlighted the fact that despite decades of supposed reform, women’s average full-time weekly earnings remains 17.2% below men. Is this obvious to our employers? Worryingly…
The Centro case shows there are significant differences between the liability and penalty stages of a trial. AAP

Did Centro’s directors really get off lightly?

The Federal Court ruling in the Centro Properties Group case in June has been viewed by many as significantly raising the legal bar in relation to Australian company directors’ duty of care. Yet the penalties…
Taking on climate change can put us on the path to a green industrial revolution. Matt de Neef

Treading the economic path to green growth

Despite the poor outlook for the Earth’s climate, putting in place acceptable solutions is proving difficult. Mired in economic uncertainty, some countries are scaling back climate change efforts. But…