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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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While the US is finding its footing, China is looking to expand its global economic power by pushing for the renminbi importance in international transactions. Fotopedia/Philip Roeland

How the West’s money problems could hasten global power shift

The downgrading of US debt by Standard & Poor’s may sound the starting gun for an enduring rebalancing of global economic power. For decades, investors worldwide sought the safety of US government…
Solar is now a viable industry that should be taken seriously. AFP Photo/Sakis Mitrolidis

Solar will force coal and nuclear out of the energy business

A solar energy revolution is brewing that will put the coal and nuclear industries out of business. Solar is already reaching price parity with coal in many parts of Australia. In contrast to coal and…
The rise of the Chinese economy has been stunning - but it may not translate into world order dominance. AAP

This is evolution of the world economic order, not revolution

A new global economic order is not finally taking shape. Instead, the world economic order has been evolving over time, and it will continue to evolve into the future, more often than not, in unexpected…
Commercial activities by charities which don’t directly fund their altruistic activities, are set to incur tax. AAP

Let charities keep their income tax exemption

The not-for-profit sector is facing the loss of a privileged exemption that allows charities to avoid paying tax on profit-making activities. Announced in May’s Budget, the changes will see not-for-profit…
Australia’s retirees have been buffeted this week but remain unaware of how to manage the risks. AAP

Dazed, confused and uninformed: self-funded retirees bear the brunt

Two types of footage illustrated news reports of the financial market turmoil last week: the unlucky teams with frozen smiles ringing the start-of-trade bell at the New York Stock Exchange, and confused…
The Productivity Commission’s report gives the retail sector plenty to think about. AAP

Ignoring our retail crisis will come at a serious price

Amid the panic that gripped the global markets over past few weeks, there have been some further signs that Australia’s retail sector is in the midst of its own crisis. Along with a sales slump for department…
If we’re facing a downturn, the right thing to do to drop the insistence on returning to surplus.

Should we return to surplus by 2012-2013? The case against

In the face of the global financial crisis of 2008-09, the Australian Government’s overall fiscal policy response was both well-timed and well-calibrated (even if some of the specific programs within that…
The only way out of this crisis is to dishonour some of the debt that is weighing down the global economy. AAP

Ireland, Greece … France? Accepting default is Europe’s only option

The dramatic falls in share prices of Greek debt-laden French banks overnight highlights just how closely tied the current market chaos is to the world’s worsening debt woes. Market crashes like that of…
The share market is often driven back into the black by canny investors looking for a bargain. AAP

Global economic shakeout: the zig-zag market heralds nasty times ahead

After falling by almost 20% in week-long sell-off, the Australian share market has bounced back and began trade today up more than 3.5%. The market’s recovery follows a strong comeback on Wall Street overnight…
The US must “choose between bankruptcy, raising taxes and cutting payouts”. AAP

Not China, not S&P: why the US has only itself to blame

If the United States thought it could stave off its day of reckoning, it was wrong. Standard & Poor’s prompt downgrade of US credit worthiness late Friday sent stock markets worldwide into a nosedive…
Stock markets around the world plummeted after news of the US credit rating downgrade (EPA/FRANK RUMPENHORST)

Debt dive: why is the US at the mercy of anonymous credit agencies?

Without the firing of a single shot in anger, a country has been, at least in a sense, brought to its economic knees. The capitalist system, with variations and aberrations, is now reacting. Shares are…
As a new global financial crisis looms, Australia shouldn’t overestimate its dependence on China. AAP

Is Australia’s economic stability really made in China?

Amidst the widening global financial turmoil, a strong Chinese economy is certainly one positive for the Australian economy. But should we believe it is only factor that will save the day? The answer is…