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Education – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 2126 - 2150 of 2781 articles

A change in minister needs to mean a change in tack with regard to higher education. Sam Mooy/AAP

Four things the new minister should do on higher education

Higher education policy development should involve learning from the Abbott government’s mistakes and other counties where university reform has been successfully achieved.
Halls, dormitories, or staying at home with the parents: the university experience is different all over the world. from

The campus experience is changing all over the world

With advances in technology and changes in the demographics of people attending university, the campus experience is changing.
Saying we’ve the lowest funded university sector in the OECD doesn’t paint the right picture. Flickr/Information services @ Bond

OECD comparisons don’t prove our unis are underfunded

Many point out that in 2011 Australia’s public funding of universities ranked thirty-third out of the thirty-four OECD member countries. However the story is not so simple.
With stories of widespread rorting and dodgy dealings, how can you tell which training organisations to trust? from

How to choose the right training provider

In recent times, the front pages of our newspapers have provided an almost daily reminder that some Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers are to be avoided.
Indigenous students who have experienced racism don’t do as well at school. Neda Vanovac/AAP

Racism hits Indigenous students’ attendance and grades

Previous research showed that school attendance by Indigenous students is negatively affected by racism towards them. In further research we have found wider school outcomes are also negatively affected.
Maintaining community confidence in the value of VET qualifications is essential for a functioning labour market. shutterstock

Australia’s VET system needs fundamental change – here’s how it can be fixed

Lured by government subsidies, registered training organisations are enrolling people into VET courses that do not match their needs and for which there is a dubious case at best for taxpayer support.
Surveys of children revealed they don’t like being lied to about the degenerative condition.

Five tips on how to talk to kids about dementia

With 900,000 Australians expected to be living with dementia by 2050, these are the types of questions more and more children will be asking as they come to know someone living with dementia.