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While the Jewish diaspora in Australia has long endorsed the Zionist dream, more recently ‘Ausraelis’ have come to see leaving Israel as an escape. AAP/Dean Lewins

Out of Israel: Ausraelis re-invent the diasporic identity

A new generation of emigrants from Israel to Australia is reversing the Zionist narrative. They have a distinctly different view of the Israeli state from that of older Australian Jewish migrants.
Senator Scott Ludlam said changes to arts funding will mean the minister will not need to publicly reveal funding recipients. True or false? AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

FactCheck: will the Arts Minister need to publicly disclose who he funds?

The Greens’ Senator Scott Ludlam said changes to arts funding will mean arts minister George Brandis won’t need to publicly disclose who he’s funding. He said it’s unbelievable – but is it true?
Moral judgment should not be based on knowledge that comes only from hindsight. Wolfgang Wildner

Killing Hitler: when is assassination justified?

The film 13 Minutes dramatises an attempt by Georg Elser to assassinate Hitler in 1939, to prevent the war the Führer was preparing for. How clear-cut was the moral justification for that act?
In Australia, public transport has to play catch-up constrained by an urban form designed by and for the car. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Public transport is always greener on the other side

There are a number of reasons why Australia’s public transport systems seem shoddy compared to other countries. But these reasons bring into question the validity of such comparisons.
Antarctica is managed by the Antarctic Treaty System, which regulates what states and private companies can do. The National Guard

Antarctica may hold the key to regulating mining in space

If we’re going to mine asteroids, then we need an international treaty to prevent it becoming a wild west. Thankfully we can look to Antarctica to see how such a treaty might work.
Sea level rise is one of the biggest worries of climate change. This image is from the Witness King Tides project, which aims to visualise sea level rise using large tides and storm surges. Witness King Tides/Flickr

How to make sense of ‘alarming’ sea level forecasts

Sea level rise represents one of the most worrying aspects of global warming, potentially displacing millions of people along coasts, low river valleys, deltas and islands.
Prime Minister Najib Razak is at the centre of a scandal over investigations into the origins of US$700 million transferred into his bank account. Reuters/Olivia Harris

Malaysia in turmoil as PM focuses on survival

Najib Razak’s response to corruption allegations has been a crackdown on investigators and his critics on both sides of politics. Malaysians are left wondering where their nation is headed.
Tony Abbott rejected a push from Indigenous leaders, including Noel Pearson, for Indigenous-only community conventions on constitutional recognition. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Confidence must be rebuilt after PM shoots down Indigenous leaders’ plan

Tony Abbott’s rejection of Indigenous-only conventions need not derail the push for constitutional recognition. But it demonstrates just how crucial sound process is to achieving change.
A freshly weakened Tony Abbott faces some difficult issues and dangerous flashpoints in the upcoming parliamentary sitting fortnight. Ben Macmahon/AAP

Grattan on Friday: Entitlements issue turns into cluster bomb

Memo from Finance Department to minister Mathias Cormann: “Urgently needed – staff reinforcements for the Great Expense Chase”. Just joking. But only a little.
While Adam Goodes is the public face of the debate, almost any Indigenous Australian can speak of the day-by-day experience of a lack of respect for who they are. AAP/Paul Miller

White Australia needs to take responsibility for reconciliation too

For at least some Australians, it seems that Indigenous culture is acceptable only as an object of consumption for tourists visiting the remote north.
Yolngu men at Garma Festival in north-east Arnhem Land, painted in a Sydney Swans jersey with a number 37 to support embattled AFL star Adam Goodes. AAP Image/Neda Vanovac

Racism defies logic – so don’t go searching for any

There are no examples of evidence being put forward by race theorists that a race other than the one they belong to is superior. That’s worth bearing in mind when it comes to ‘understanding’ racists.