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New research shows that not all illegal downloaders are created equally. Lee Nachtigal

Anxious addict or conscious cowboy? A new view on illegal downloading

Beginning about 20 years ago, the internet placed almost the entirety of human creation in an unguarded window display and said, in effect, help yourself. But that’s not to say all illegal downloaders are the same.
Robots in chains but are they really to blame when AI does something wrong? maxuser

Who’s to blame when artificial intelligence systems go wrong?

There is much debate on the ethics of artificial intelligence machines that are designed to kill. But who’s responsible when a non-lethal AI system causes damage, harm or even death?
Viewers can stand, sit, or be positioned in patterns and relations that breach the traditional movie theatre encounter. Breaching Transmissions/Images courtesy of MIFF

Breaching Transmissions – can expanded cinema expand your mind?

Expanded cinema, a term coined in the mid-1960s by American experimental filmmaker Stan Vanderbeek, extends and enriches the way cinema can engage with its viewers. The art form is taken into galleries…
A pause, not a halt in legal attempts to claim money from people who illegally downloaded the movie Dallas Buyers Club, which starred Jared Leto (left) and Matthew McConaughey (right). Voltage Pictures

What now after the Dallas Buyers Club pirate claim is rejected as ‘surreal’?

The Federal Court has said no to an attempt to claim potentially thousands of dollars from people who illegally downloaded the movie Dallas Buyers Club. But the downloaders are not in the clear yet.
The humble spread gets caught up in the home brew debate. Flickr/atl trader

Yes, you can make alcohol from Vegemite, but …

Vegemite has been used for many things over the years. But claims it was used to brew alcohol in dry Indigenous communities had many asking if that was even possible.
Cairo’s Rabaa al-Adaweya Square before and after the August 14 massacre of more than 800 peaceful protesters in 2013. Wikimedia Commons/Mazidan

As Morsi faces the gallows, where are the defenders of democracy?

Two years ago, on August 14, more than 800 protesters against a coup were massacred in Cairo. A court recently upheld the death sentence for Egypt’s ousted elected leader.
Japan’s neighbours will interpret whatever Shinzo Abe says about his nation’s wartime aggression in the light of his government’s shift to more hawkish policies. Reuters/Toru Hana

The living ghosts of 1945 haunt Asia’s rival powers

In the West, it is often forgotten that 1945 marks the end of not only the second world war but also of a much longer period of political and social upheaval in Asia.