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The Totten Glacier, the largest in East Antarctica, has deep channels running beneath it that may allow relatively warm water into its belly. Tas van Ommen

Melting moments: a look under East Antarctica’s biggest glacier

Researchers in East Antarctica have surveyed an area the size of New South Wales to study the behaviour of the region’s biggest glacier - and the secrets below the ice that could speed up its melting.
Social Services minister Scott Morrison’s nanny package undercuts the general principle of qualifications for child care. AAP/Lukas Coch

Morrison’s nanny program risks undercutting quality care

Social Services minister Scott Morrison has unveiled the first part of the Abbott government’s “families package” ahead of next month’s federal budget and the signs are not good. With the announcement…
Bringing down over-investment in electricity networks is a complicated area for regulators. Flickr/Indigo Skies Photography

Bringing an end to electricity network gold-plating

A senate interim report suggests the retrospective write-down of state-owned gold-plated electricity assets. Good luck with that.
Robert Menzies meets the US defence secretary, Robert McNamara, at the Pentagon in 1964, the year before committing Australia to the escalating war. Wikimedia Commons/PHC/Ralph Seghers

Fifty years ago today, Menzies’ call on Vietnam changed Australia’s course

The anniversary of Menzies’ fateful decision to commit troops to the escalating war in Vietnam marks a turning point that is at least as significant as the Gallipoli landings for Australia today.
‘Let me try and put sacked SBS sports journalist Scott McIntyre’s tweets in historical perspective.’ EPA/Sedat Suna

Anzacs behaving badly: Scott McIntyre and contested history

It is naïve to expect men to kill and die for their country, to live through the horrors of a particularly barbaric war, and to come out the other end unscathed – despite our popular myths.
Children who undertook school-based sexual abuse prevention programs were more likely to know where to turn if they were harmed. from

Programs to prevent child sexual abuse increase knowledge and skills but do they reduce risks?

A Cochrane review found school-based child sexual abuse prevention programs were moderately effective in arming children with knowledge and skills that may decrease the likelihood that they will be harmed.
An artist’s impression: MESSENGER flying over a colourful Mercury. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

Mercury’s MESSENGER mission comes to a crashing climax

It was the first probe to find water on Mercury, the planet closest to the sun. Its mission nearly over, MESSENGER is about to crash into the planet it’s been observing.
Janice Petersen – one of the faces of World News Australia on SBS, which is facing accusations of ‘whitewashing’. SBS

Whitewash? That’s not the colour of the SBS charter

Journalism schools are full of first-generation students that fit the SBS charter’s directive to ‘make use of Australia’s diverse creative resources’ and ‘reflect the changing nature of Australian society’.
Education is a central economic pillar, but of greater importance is its contribution to our society. Flickr/Bb Inthavong

Australia’s ‘five pillar economy’: education

Education is a central pillar of our economy. Not only does the education sector employ nearly 8% of Australian workers, it is our fourth largest export earner.
Australia’s politicians were unable to save Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan from a firing squad in Indonesia. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Chan and Sukumaran are victims of the futile war on drugs

Australia’s politicians were unable to make the most persuasive argument for clemency for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran because Australia is also a combatant in the misguided war on drugs.
Australians Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan were executed in Indonesia overnight. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Bali Nine duo executed: the view from Indonesia

A panel of Indonesian experts respond to the executions of eight people, including Australians Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan.