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Graeme Macfarlane (Goro) and Hiromi Omura (Cio-Cio-San) in Opera Australia’s Madama Butterfly (2015). Jeff Busby

Is it time for Madama Butterfly to flutter by?

Opera Australia has once again posted a major operating loss and is weathering criticism for its very safe repertoire. Both these points merit consideration in the federal government’s National Opera Review.
UN chief climate negotiator Christiana Figueres told a Melbourne conference Australia risks becoming an outsider at this year’s crucial Paris talks. EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN/AAP

UN climate chief: other countries are ‘further ahead than Australia’

UN climate chief Christiana Figueres has hinted that Australia risks becoming an outsider at this year’s Paris climate talks if it doesn’t match the ambition of many other countries’ climate pledges.
Australian food exports, like beef, are regarded by Chinese buyers as clean and safe. AAP Image/Dan Peled

Agriculture could be the next boom for Australia

Australia’s emerging agriculture boom can last much longer than the mining boom – but the industry needs policies that will encourage investment.
It was a novelty when Conservative leader David Cameron had to enlist Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg’s support to govern, but Britons may have to get used to minority government. EPA/Andy Rain

What Westminster can learn from minority government in Australia

The UK is poised for another minority government, this time possibly with a hung parliament. Australia’s long experience of such arrangements offers lessons in how to manage minority government.
Australia’s appeal to spare reformed Bali duo Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran failed in the face of Indonesia’s retributive justice system. EPA/MAST IRHAM

Indonesia’s retributive justice was deaf to pleas for reformed Bali duo

In spite of vigorous appeals from Australia for Indonesia to spare the lives of Bali duo Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, most Indonesians were not persuaded. Chan and Sukumaran were executed last week…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey have come under increasing pressure to crack down on tax avoidance and white collar crime. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Hockey targets white collar crime, but forgets whistleblowers

If Treasurer Joe Hockey is serious about cracking down on white collar crime, he should bolster the new Serious Financial Crime Taskforce with stronger whistleblower protection legislation.
Apple Australia Corporate Vice President Tony King told a senate committee the company’s effective tax rate was above 30%. Nikki Short/AAP

Explainer: the ATO plan to deter corporate tax avoidance

A new formula adopted by the ATO is likely to act as both a detection tool and deterrent to corporate tax avoidance.
Australia can expect expansion in sectors such as tourism, the health and financial services sectors, banking and securities. AAP Image/Joel Carrett

As the mining boom wanes, Australia pivots to services

Mining, along with agriculture, will continue to be key parts of the Australian economy – but new growth is expected in the services sector.
AMA president Brian Owler said the decision to outsource production was financial, describing the publisher’s financial position as “perilous”. Lukas Coch/AAP

Former editor: outsourcing puts Medical Journal of Australia at risk

The recent decision to outsource production of the journal to international publishing company Elsevier – and the route it took to get there – made my position untenable.
In the wake of the Nepal earthquake it’s important people don’t rush in to “rescue” kids who might not in fact be orphaned. AAP

Earthquake orphans: what Nepal can learn from Haiti

Following the earthquake in 2010, people flocked to Haiti to “rescue” orphaned and lost children. The problem that has since emerged is that many of the “orphans” placed in orphanages and sent for adoption, were not orphaned at all.
When not employing the description ‘death cult’, Prime Minister Tony Abbott prefers to use the name Da'esh because the group ‘hates being referred to by this term’. AAP/Lukas Coch

Explainer: ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State or Da'esh?

The terrorist group now calls itself Islamic State, but the many names by which it is known reflect both its own evolution and the deliberate choices others make in how they refer to it.
When public figures such as Cate McGregor and Caitlyn Jenner speak about trans experience, how does it serve the development of trans rights? AAP Image/Lukas Coch)

After Cate McGregor and Caitlyn Jenner, what now for trans rights?

A number of high-profile trans people have come out in recent months, such as Cate McGregor and Caitlyn Jenner. Do these big media moments help advance trans rights across society?
Batteries to store excess solar power will be a game-changer. But energy-efficient appliances will mean you can use a smaller battery. AAP Image/Raoul Wegat,file

Energy storage is crucial, but it’s not the only piece in the puzzle

The unveiling of Tesla’s Powerwall home battery has been hailed as a huge moment in renewable energy. But don’t forget the other innovations that can help you use that stored power more efficiently.
Queensland Premier Anastasia Palaszcuk and Attorney General Yvette D'Ath may be missing the bigger picture on the legal defence of provocation. AAP Image/Dave Hunt

Queensland still failing to act on a medieval murder defence

The Queensland government wants to abolish the “gay panic defence”, but it’s yet to act on the bigger legal problem: “provocation”, which is also used to defend murders in heterosexual relationships.
Australia has more universities under 50 years old in the top 100 than any other country. Frank Gehry Building, UTS From AAP

Why are young Australian unis punching above their weight?

The latest Times Higher Education rankings of universities under 50 years old paints a positive picture for the Australian higher education sector.
All dentists should be practising evidence-based dentistry for the sake of their patients. John Dill/Flickr

‘Holistic’ dentistry: more poppycock than panacea?

Holistic dentistry claims to promote overall wellness rather than simply treating disease. But the lack of evidence for the alternative therapies underpinning it are cause for concern.