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Last year’s temperatures in England were the hottest in a continuous record dating back to 1659. AAP Image/NEWZULU/STEPHEN CHUNG

England’s set to swelter through a rash of record hot years

An analysis of the world’s longest-running temperature record suggests that England is many times more likely to experience more record-breaking hot years like 2014 than it was a century ago.
Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott greets Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo during the 2014 G20 Leaders’ Summit in Brisbane. AAP/Steve Christo

Grattan on Friday: Australia-Indonesia relationship will never be easy

Since Tony Abbott became prime minister, three issues have strained relations with Indonesia. Before the fracture over the fate of Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan, there were difficulties from the Coalition’s tow-back policy and a major crisis after revelations of Australian spying.
Your pain is in fact produced in your head and it will produce it more readily and more intensely if you have what you think is clear evidence that something is wrong. Mislav Marohnić/Flickr

No brain, no pain: it is in the mind, so test results can make it worse

People develop a long-term problem after an episode of back pain if they expect to not recover. Steps by the medical sector to avoid catatrophising back pain by not suggesting scans will help.
An opera based on David Malouf’s Fly Away Peter opens in Sydney this weekend. Carriageworks/Toby Burrows

Fly Away Peter: when Australian literature goes to the opera

Sydney Chamber Opera’s production of David Malouf’s 1982 novel Fly Away Peter opens this weekend. It’s not the first opera adaptation of Australian literature – and there are reasons to hope it’s not the last.
As economic growth in China moderates, so will its demand for Australia’s raw materials. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Australia’s ‘five pillar economy’: mining

The mining boom is over and the industry is employing fewer workers – but the outlook for mining in Australia seems generally good.
ACCC chairman Rod Sims is among those advocating a so-called ‘effects test’ to determine whether market power has been misused. Alan Porritt/AAP

Competition debate must move beyond effects test battle

Both big and small business have much at stake in competition policy reform, but they need to move on from simplistic arguments about misuse of market power.
Governments produce enormous amounts of data. The open data movement wants to make that available to all citizens. r2hox/Flickr

Good governance and active citizenship require open data

The open data movement is gaining momentum but we need to reflect on our priorities and values in order to make further progress.
Batteries have come a long way since their beginning back in 250BC. Flickr/Patty

Charged up: the history and development of batteries

Billionaire Elon Musk, the man behind the Tesla electric car, is expected to announce a new generation of battery technology this week. But how did batteries develop in the first place?
Codeine-containing painkillers may soon no longer be available over the counter in Australian pharmacies. Philippa Willitts/Flickr

Why making codeine products prescription-only is a good idea

Australia’s drug regulator is looking into reclassifying codeine-based drugs as prescription-only. This is a good idea because the easy availability of these pinkillers is causing substantial harm.
Bali Nine member Scott Rush’s father alerted the AFP to his son’s plans in the hope they would stop him from travelling to Indonesia. AAP/Made Nagi

Bali Nine executions give ‘cause to pause’ policing co-operation

The AFP revised the guidelines on international co-operation since alerting Indonesia to the Bali Nine but there is arguably still an imbalance between security and human rights considerations.
Enabling consumers to keep their bank account numbers when switching institutions will encourage greater competition. AAP Image/Dan Peled

How changing our bank account numbering system will be a win for customers

It’s a pain to change mobile providers, but at least keeping your number is easy. It’s much more of a pain to change banks and much of that pain is because we have to change bank account numbers. Why don’t…
Researchers are turning their attention to what makes creativity work in organisations. Sebastiaan ter Burg

Creativity in the workplace: what we know and what we do

Creativity is credited with providing the capability for organisations to generate unique intellectual property, unique methods and processes – so how is it generated and promoted?
Julie Bishop and Tony Abbott are firm advocates of human rights when Australians are executed but not when asylum seekers are involved. AAP/Lukas Coch

Hard line on refugees undermines principled opposition to execution

In condemning Indonesia’s execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, Australia has relied on the same human rights obligations that it rejects when applied to asylum seekers.
There’s elephant in the room that government-appointed reviewers need to notice if they’re going to overhaul the Medicare Benefits Schedule. mike woodward/Flickr

Medicare review must deal with ‘elephant in the room’ incentives

The review of Medicare recently announced by the health minister is not only a pachydermal task, it will also fail unless it acknowledges the elephant in the room – our fee-for service health system.
Most career advice starts late in high school. This is too late for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. from

Career studies and advice: start early or don’t start at all

The unemployment rate for 15 to 19-year-olds is currently 20.1% in Australia. This is over three times the national rate of 6.3% and almost double the unemployment rate of this age group during the first…
‘Choice feminism’ asks nothing of you and delivers nothing in return. Floriane Legendre

No, feminism is not about choice

Feminism is back in fashion – and this time, it’s all abut choice. But does more choice really equal more freedom? And are all women free to make the same choices?