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Remembering the dozens of Australians’ lives already cut short this year because of domestic and family violence. L.C. Nøttaasen/Flickr

Budget brief: where is the new help for domestic violence?

A national domestic violence crisis hotline is still under-funded and unable to keep up with demand, after the 2015 federal budget delivered only a few short-term measures on domestic violence.
Tony Abbott and Greg Hunt at last year’s Green Army launch. Funding for the initiative has been slimmed down but is still more than A$700 million. AAP Image/Britta Campion

Federal Budget 2015 – environment experts react

The Federal Budget 2015 makes little mention of emissions reductions or renewable energy, but does feature funding boosts for drought assistance and the Great Barrier Reef. What else is in?
Rohingya refugees from Myanmar travelled in this fishing boat to Sumatra, Indonesia, with officials announcing some 2000 people were rounded up or rescued after arriving in Malaysia and Indonesia over the weekend. EPA

Pushed offshore, the ‘boat people’ crisis demands regional response

Australia may have ‘stopped the boats’ but the tragedy of people drowning at sea continues to our north and is getting worse. A regional solution to the refugee crisis is urgently needed.
Commission of Audit chair Tony Shepherd may well be asking: “What happened?” Lukas Coch/AAP

INFOGRAPHIC: Lessons in budget politics

The Commission of Audit set the high water mark for reform designed to protect Australia against an economic downturn. One year on, little of it has made it into policy.
In his first budget and in opposition, Joe Hockey’s single-minded focus was on cutting the budget debt and deficits. For his second budget he’s telling a different story. AAP/Paul Miller

Debt disaster is so last year – now Hockey’s giving a helping hand

Joe Hockey’s first budget was a declaration of ideological belief. The second is about political survival and depends on breathing life back into the economy – the ideological urgency can wait.
Treasurer Joe Hockey has announced new rules allowing the Tax Commissioner will have the power to to recover unpaid taxes and issue a fine of an extra 100% of unpaid taxes, plus interest. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Not all corporate tax avoiders will be snared by new rules

Only certain multinationals will be targeted under new corporate tax avoidance rules announced by Treasurer Joe Hockey.
For every $1000 of assets the pension will be reduced by $3 a fortnight, under changes proposed in the federal budget. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Missed opportunities on coherent pension policy reform

The government has dropped plans to index age pensions to CPI and opted instead to tighten income and assets test. These are welcome changes but more needs to be done.
The call for a male author on a paper was met with outrage from within the scientific community and the general public. Keoni Cabral/Flickr

Sexism in science: one step back, two steps forward

Sexism still exists in science, but a recent scandal shows that progress is being made.
What exactly are our current global character designs communicating? Juliana Cuervo

21st-century character designs reflect our concerns, as always

Characters are designed to respond to specific concerns relative to time and context. But as we move deeper into the 21st century, what are those concerns, and how do they differ from those in the 20th century?
There were no nasty surprises for the arts in the 2015 Budget – but plenty of worrisome rhetoric. Mick Tsikas/AAP

There’s money for the arts in the budget – but with strings attached

There were no truly nasty surprises in last night’s Budget for the arts – but clear discomfort was expressed with the “arms-length” approach that hitherto has guided the allocation of arts funding.
Facilities funded under NCRIS, such as the Murchison Widefield Array, will continue to be supported under this budget. Natasha Hurley-Walker/Wikimedia

Budget brief: how does science and research funding fare?

The National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Future Fellowships schemes have won a reprieve in this year’s budget.
Joe Hockey is betting this budget is inoffensive. Lukas Coch/AAP

INFOGRAPHIC: The budget winners and losers

Small business and families top the list of winners, while tax avoiders and rich retirees stand to lose.
The 2015 budget has confirmed the Coalition’s “Gonski-lite” school funding model. AAP/Jenny Evans

Education budget can’t shake the Gonski ghost

The budget has dribs and drabs of funds for various school projects, but they pale in comparison to the Gonski money we’re missing out on.
As expected, part-pensioners will be most affected by budget changes. AAP Image/Melanie Foster

Budget brief: will I lose my age pension?

Part-pensioner couples who own their own home and assets worth more than about A$800,000 are expected to lose their part-pension altogether, under proposals in the federal budget.
Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann speak to media during the 2015 budget lockup. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Path to budget surplus built on shifting foundations

The impact of 2015 budget measures delivered by the government pale into insignificance when compared with the external factors hurting the budget bottom line.