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Argument has raged outside parliament - is there anything left to say inside? AAP

What’s the point of debating the carbon tax?

It all started in February when Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced her government would seek to introduce a carbon tax. This signalled the start of a policy debate marathon that still shows no sign…
Creators of a new “red light” suffix hope to put porn in its proper place. Julian Smith/AAP

.xxx domain – a new way to look at pornography

This month’s launch of the .xxx internet domain, a new section of the internet dedicated to pornography and erotica, is getting people hot and bothered. The global body coordinating internet addresses…
Does the finance industry rely too heavily on contestable economic data? AAP

The problem with our economic data addiction

People who work in business and finance are obsessed with economic data releases – GDP growth figures, unemployment rates, trade statistics, and so on. Business journalists, investors, financial analysts…
Grape growers are already suffering emotional stress because of climate change. ryanovineyards/Flickr

Positive mental health key to tackling rural climate change

Mental health has been an issue in rural areas for the past few decades. Climate change will only add more stress to the lives of rural people. While a report by the Climate Institute shows broad scale…
WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan called for assistance in reforming the WHO at the 64th World Health Assembly. WHO

Australia’s role in reforming the World Health Organisation

The World Health Organisation (WHO) remains the most important player in global health despite growing problems with its structure and funding. Australia is in an excellent position to help modernise the…
The World Health Organisation is the undoubted leader in global health but faces a crisis of leadership. US Mission Geneva

Truth to power: reforming the World Health Organization

The World Health Organisation has a vital role to play in global health but 65 years after it came into being, it’s plagued by ossified structures that prevent it from exercising the flexibility it needs…
Mourners at the New York 9/11 memorial on tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks. AAP

9/11: The value of memory

This past weekend, whole sections of the United States community felt something like a duty or desire to attend sites linked with the events of 11 September 2001. The public memory ceremonies at these…
There’s tentative evidence that for people who are extremely distressed after trauma, debriefing may actually worsen recovery. Joe Houghton

9/11 anniversary: a watershed for psychological response to disasters

Apart from sensitizing us to terrorism and altering how we travel on planes, 9/11 had a marked impact on how psychologists and psychiatrists respond to disasters. The change has been for the better. In…
Bringing research, education and health care delivery together will improve patient care.

Explainer: why Australia needs Advanced Health Research Centres

In an attempt to bring Australia’s medical research, education and healthcare sectors into line with world leaders, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is planning to develop a new…
Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey wants the Opposition’s policies privately costed. AAP

Costing the promises: what is a Parliamentary Budget Office?

Federal parliament has begun debating the merits of a new independent unit which would cost election promises and policies for all parliamentarians. But one of the more controversial aspects of the Gillard…
In the game of economic and environmental chess, Gunns’s position is looking precarious.

Gunns heading for its Tasmanian endgame

In chess, the endgame takes place when only a handful of pieces are left on the board. In close games, the players must select the best move available to avoid being checkmated. Gunns – Tasmania’s “forest…
Emotional disorders are often relegated to second place in considerations of mental health. Lauren Garza

Crying out for a change in mood on emotional disorders and anxiety

A few weeks ago, my children came home from school to announce they were raising money for World Vision’s 40-hour famine. Naturally, I applauded them and we hopped on the internet to learn about the tragedy…
With Britain’s phone hacking scandal demonstrating the flaws of self-regulation, an Australian privacy law proposal shouldn’t be seen as threatening free speech. AAP

Far from sinister, privacy laws might mean media does its job better

There is a monster under the bed, frightening young and old. That monster is the proposal for a tort of breach of privacy. It is time that we turned on the lights, looked under the bed and looked our fears…
Climate models allow us to look at the planet’s future climate.

Explainer: climate modelling

We know the climate is changing because that’s what climate models tell us. But what exactly is a climate model, and are they cutting-edge science or modelling madness? What is a climate model? Climate…
Science follows certain procedures, but does the media get the signal? CSIRO

Diamond planets, climate change and the scientific method

Recently my colleagues and I announced the discovery of a remarkable planet orbiting a special kind of star known as a pulsar. Based on the planet’s density, and the likely history of its system, we concluded…
United Airlines flight 175 is crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Centre on September 11 2001. AAP

9/11: Fostering connections after the horror

The terrorist attacks on the United States on 11 September 2001 catapulted the world into another stage of history: the struggle between communism and capitalism, and references to the “end of history…
If Greece’s economy collapses, it could easily lead to a breakdown of civil order. AAP

What will happen if Greece defaults?

Global markets look set for a rough week amid new concerns that Greece could default on its massive debt. The Australian share market has spent most of the day down 3% after reports that Germany could…
Fruit bats carry disease, pollen and a warning about the state of the environment. shellac/Flickr

Culling bats isn’t the way to control Hendra virus

This year has had the lot. First came the tempest, then the floods. Fires are on their way as the landscape dries out. Now we have pestilence, in the form of Hendra virus. Calls for bat culls have ensued…