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A renewables boom is on the horizon for Australia. Adrian S Jones/flickr

Australia must act now on renewables or be left behind

Last week, Griffith University’s Vlado Vivoda argued that renewable energy “makes no economic or political sense” for Australia. While we welcome Vivoda’s contribution to the national energy policy debate…
Could a housing bubble burst occur in Australia on the same scale as in the US during the financial crisis? AAP

Should we be bracing for an inevitable housing bubble bust?

By now it should be obvious to anybody who is not a banker or a real estate agent that Australia is in the grip of a substantial housing bubble. The greatest housing-price rise in the history of Australian…
Speed cameras save lives. AAP

Slow down on speed camera hysteria

The Auditor General’s review of speed cameras is a good effort in identifying the safety value of speed cameras in NSW. This is not the first time the NSW speed cameras have been reviewed. As presented…
Standard & Poor’s could still downgrade the US credit rating, despite the debt ceiling deal. AAP

Explainer: the role of credit ratings agencies

Washington lawmakers in the US House of Representatives have passed an agreement hammered out between Republican and Democrat leaders designed to avert a US debt default. The move is a further step towards…
Glenn Stevens has acknowledged the impact of deleveraging on Australia’s economy. AAP

On High Noon Tuesday at the RBA Corral, can we expect a rate rise?

I have a hunch that the RBA will follow its conventional “neoclassical” models and raise rates this afternoon, even though the economy is locked in “two speed” mode, and the global economy is racked by…
Right-wing extremism is threatening multiculturalism in Europe EPA/JON ARE BERG JACOBSEN/AFTENPOSTE

What do the Norway attacks mean for multiculturalism?

The recent massacres by Anders Breivik in Norway drew the attention of the world to a growing reactionary element in Europe who resent the three Ms – Muslims, multiculturalism and Marxism. So how do these…
The wave of extinction that swamped southern species like the stick-nest rat is heading north. Gould/Wikimedia Commons

The Kimberley: pristine, precious and on the precipice

Mention “The Kimberley”, and for most Australians visions of spectacular sunsets, giant boab trees, rocky escarpments and cascading waterfalls spring to mind. But there is a storm on the horizon, and it…
Transparency in the relationship between doctors and patients will lead to fairer outcomes for victims of medical mishaps. AAP

A healthy prescription: doctors, own up to medical mishaps immediately

An expansion of the fiduciary duties of doctors towards patients could provide better protection to those suffering from medical mishaps. Such an expansion would require doctors to promptly disclose adverse…
Alan Turing, through pure mathematics, laid the foundations for the modern computer. Leo Reynolds

Explainer: the point of pure mathematics

What is pure mathematics? What do pure mathematicians do? Why is pure mathematics important? These are questions I’m often confronted with when people discover I do pure mathematics. I always manage to…
Barack Obama announces an agreement has been reached to resolve the US debt crisis. AAP

US debt deal: experts respond

US President Barack Obama says Democrat and Republican leaders have reached an agreement on reducing US debt, before the August 2 debt ceiling deadline. Failure to reach a deal may have led to a historic…
The suspension of Google+ accounts has raised questions about the company’s aims. yuichio.sakuraba

The name game: is Google+ building a cathedral or a bazaar?

The phrase “The Cathedral and the Bazaar” was coined by American computer programmer Eric S. Raymond to distinguish two different approaches to the development of software. The Bazaar was likened to the…
Would a right to privacy have helped Lara Bingle? AAP Image/Tracey Nearmy.

Breaching confidence: do we need a privacy tort?

Who would have predicted there would be serious talk of a statutory privacy tort in Australia, giving private individuals who feel their privacy as been breached the right to sue? But then again, who would…
Breaking free of the stranglehold of academic publishers holds appeal – but what are the dangers? Flickr

The pros and perils of ditching academic publishers

There are three tensions in the field of academic publishing (1) who pays to publish research? (2) who decides what gets published? and (3) who takes any profits? In the traditional model, based on publishing…
The impact of the attacks on Oslo and the island of Utoeya might not be felt outside Norway.

Europe after the Norwegian terror attack

The cowardly attack by a right-wing extremist in Norway last weekend will have profound effects on life and politics in Norway, but probably only minor impacts on the larger continent. In the short term…