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Tokyo design studio nendo responds to the work of M. C. Escher. Sean Fennessy

Escher x nendo will surprise, delight and challenge

There is nothing to prepare us for the shock to the senses in the National Gallery of Victoria’s latest exhibition combining the works of M. C. Escher with Japanese design firm nendo.
The South Pole Telescope and BICEP telescopes (pictured above) may discover clues that could teach us if there was something else ‘before’ the Big Bang. Dr. Keith Vanderlinde/NSF

Curious Kids: What existed before the Big Bang? Did something have to be there to go boom?

Long ago in the distant past, our entire Universe was microscopic – just like an atom – and obeyed completely different rules of cause and effect.
Single parents have been made worse off by the Howard, Rudd, Gillard, Abbott and Turnbull governments. It’s time to take stock. Shutterstck

It’s not just Newstart. Single parents are $271 per fortnight worse off. Labor needs an overarching welfare review

Fixing Newstart isn’t enough. We need a comprehensive inquiry into our complex and bewildering social security system, especially as it applies to single parents.
Compiling images from real American politicians with the help of the Victoria Police Criminal Identification Unit, the authors built six “ideal” candidates to test how attractiveness shifts votes. Rodrigo Praino, Daniel Stockemer/Social Science Quarterly

How a candidate’s looks may be swinging your vote (without you even realising it)

Research shows that in elections with low information and poor engagement, candidate attractiveness plays a significant role in how people vote.
The Spodek complex in Katowice, Poland, will host this year’s UN climate summit.

As they meet in Poland for the next steps, nations are struggling to agree on how the ambitions of the Paris Agreement can be realised

As leaders and negotiators head to Katowice, Poland for this year’s round of UN climate talks, it is clear that there is still much work to be done to meet the goals set in Paris three years ago.
Abbott’s previous policies on Indigenous issues were characterised by funding cuts, exclusions and silencing – all of which makes his role as envoy highly questionable to Indigenous communities. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Why Tony Abbott’s appointment as Indigenous envoy was a diplomatic blunder and policy failure

The proposals Abbott has pushed as envoy - more police in Indigenous communities and learning in English - demonstrates his ignorance and unsuitability for the job.
You know you’re not supposed to do this – but you do. Shutterstock

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: the science of sleep and the economics of sleeplessness

The science of sleep and the economics of sleeplessness The Conversation, CC BY52.8 MB (download)
Only about one quarter Australians report getting eight or more hours of sleep. And in pre-industrial times, it was seen as normal to wake for a few hours in the middle of the night and chat or work.
High-profile conservatives such as former PM Tony Abbott and commentator Alan Jones often complain that freedom of speech is being stifled, but the research does not support that view. AAP/David Moir

Why Australia’s anti-vilification laws matter

While some complaint that anti-discrimination laws stifle freedom of speech, there is good evidence that they make a more harmonious, safe and equal society.