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Treasurer Joe Hockey’s politically cautious second budget talks up business confidence. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Federal Budget 2015: Small business wins in grab for confidence

Treasurer Joe Hockey has unveiled a A$5.5 billion jobs and small business package to kick start confidence, in a second Coalition budget that strategically retreats from the harshest measures of its predecessor.
Small Business Minister Bruce Billson said a single online registration site for small business would be established. AAP/Alan Porritt

Budget to smooth the way for small business start-ups

Registration of small businesses will be streamlined as part of the government’s package for the sector, which will be a centrepiece of Tuesday’s budget.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott can use the latest Newspoll as evidence to his colleagues that he is clawing back. AAP/Lukas Coch

Labor ahead in Newspoll, but Abbott gains ground on Shorten

The government goes into next week’s budget trailing Labor on a two-party basis but satisfaction with Tony Abbott has risen to a seven month high in the latest Newspoll.
Business Council of Australia President Catherine Livingstone said health approaches should change from “fixing the sick” to staying healthy as long as possible. AAP/Paul Miller

Business chief calls for ‘philosophical’ shift on health, education, retirement

Australia needs new “philosophical underpinnings” for the major spending areas of health, education and retirement income, Business Council of Australia President Catherine Livingstone has said.
Bill Shorten has revealed a Labor plan to remove the tax-free concession available to people with high annual superannuation incomes. AAP/Rebecca Le May

Shorten’s superannuation policy to hit accounts over $1.5 million

A Labor government would crack down on the superannuation tax breaks enjoyed by high income earners, raising more than $14 billion over ten years, under a policy released by Bill Shorten on Tuesday.
The government is playing “hardball” in the talks over the new Community Pharmacy Agreement, according to sources. medicine picture from

Government versus pharmacists in search for big savings

The government is locked in a major battle with pharmacists as it looks for $3 billion in budget savings from the pharmaceutical supply chain.
AMA chief Brian Owler said that instead of putting the public hospital sector on a sustainable footing, the federal government had retreated from its responsibilities. AAP/Lukas Coch

AMA’s ‘bleak’ outlook for hospitals strengthens premiers’ case on funding

An Australian Medical Association report showing the nation’s public hospitals face a funding “black hole” because of the federal government’s cuts gives premiers strong ammunition for their Friday meeting with Tony Abbott.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has reaffirmed the government’s commitment to lowering taxes. AAP/Nikki Short

Small business win in a budget with ‘fair’ savings: Abbott

Tony Abbott has reaffirmed that the government’s aim is “always to get taxes down” in a speech also saying that the May 12 budget will offset all new spending with “responsible and fair” savings.
Bill Glasson, pictured campaigning with Prime Minister Tony Abbott in the Griffith byelection, has confirmed he is a candidate to fill a Senate vacancy. AAP/Dan Peled

Ex-AMA chief Glasson throws hat into Senate ring

Former Australian Medical Association president Bill Glasson is in line to fill the Senate vacancy created by the resignation of Brett Mason.
Asylum seekers during a hunger strike in Foxtrot Compound at the Manus Island detention centre. Refugee Action Collective

Government hid knowledge of Nauru assaults, open letter alleges

The government is under renewed pressure over the Nauru detention centre, with a claim that it has known of “the sexual and physical assault of women and children” for at least 17 months.
Treasurer Joe Hockey said that Australia’s heavy reliance on income taxes ‘may be unsustainable’. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Tax paper shows bracket creep is stalking Australian taxpayers

The government’s long awaited tax discussion paper says Australia has a relatively low tax burden compared to other developed countries but its system faces “challenges from a changing world”.
‘Four more years’ for NSW Premier Mike Baird, which the crowd chanted as he arrived at the Liberals’ election night party. AAP/Nikki Short

Baird’s back in NSW: experts react to the Coalition win

Mike Baird’s Liberal National coalition has been comfortably returned to government in New South Wales, despite a 9% statewide swing against it on the two-party preferred vote.