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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 926 - 950 of 1544 articles

The National Civic Council, a Christian lobby group, orchestrated a massive email campaign before the spill motion to pressure MPs to support Tony Abbott’s leadership. AAP/Jane Dempster

Cabinet committee favoured foreign construction of subs: Four Corners

Cabinet’s national security committee last October favoured Australia’s new submarine fleet being mostly constructed overseas with the ASC having only limited work.
Education Minister Christopher Pyne said he is ‘not prepared to let these reforms be drowned out by distractions’. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Pyne’s last-ditch compromise fails to sway crossbench

Education Minister Christopher Pyne has announced a last-ditch effort to try to save the government’s plan to deregulate university fees, which faces defeat in the Senate.
Malcolm Turnbull has rejected Joe Hockey’s controversial superannuation comment as a ‘bad idea’. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Turnbull lays down way to sell budget challenges

Malcolm Turnbull has slapped down Joe Hockey over superannuation and said the government last year failed to make the case for budget repair, in comments that will be seen by some Liberals as raising his profile for the leadership.
Treasurer Joe Hockey said the Intergenerational Report was ‘a social compact between the generations’. AAP/Lukas Coch

Hockey looks to elderly for Australian prosperity

By mid-century, Australia will have about 40,000 people aged 100 and above – well more than 300 times the 122 centenarians there were in 1975, according to the Intergenerational Report released on Thursday.
Attorney-General George Brandis has reiterated his lack of confidence in Gillian Triggs. AAP/Lukas Coch

Brandis censured by Senate over Triggs attacks

The Senate has censured Attorney-General George Brandis, saying he is “unfit to hold the office”, over his behaviour in relation to Human Rights Commission President Gillian Triggs.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the government would act against “hate preachers”. AAP/Lukas Coch

Abbott’s message to Muslim leaders: speak up and mean it

Tony Abbott has urged Muslim leaders to speak out more – and sincerely – in the fight against terrorism, as he unveiled tough new measures that would remove or curb the citizenship rights of those linked…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott is pushing for greater metadata retention powers. Youtube

Metadata legislation will help fight child sex abuse: Abbott

Tony Abbott will seek to shore up his case for the government’s controversial metadata legislation on Wednesday by highlighting its use in child sex abuse and child pornography investigations. The prime…
Kelly O'Dwyer believes “fairness” is being hijacked politically by Labor and the Greens. Facebook

Reformers must reclaim the concept of ‘fairness’: O'Dwyer

“Fairness” is being hijacked by Labor and Greens as a one-word slogan to cover a very narrow concept, according to Kelly O'Dwyer, parliamentary secretary to the treasurer. With the government still on…
Philip Ruddock has been stood down as chief government whip. AAP/Lukas Coch

Abbott dumps Ruddock as chief whip

Tony Abbott has sacked Chief Government Whip Philip Ruddock in a provocative move just days after holding off a motion to spill his leadership. Ruddock, a cabinet minister in the Howard government, is…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott arrived with a large group of MPs, including deputy leader Julie Bishop. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Abbott left deeply wounded by narrow victory

Tony Abbott has held at bay a move to depose him. The Liberal party room voted against a spill motion by 61 to 39 – but the narrow margin leaves the prime minister deeply vulnerable to later destabilisation…
Trade Minister Andrew Robb was highly critical of how the government had handled the past year. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

Government failed to prepare community for reforms: Robb

Cabinet minister Andrew Robb has criticised the government’s inclusion of its Medicare and universities reforms in last year’s budget, saying budgets should return to “straight fiscal issues”. As debate…
Liberal backbencher Dennis Jensen said Tony Abbott ‘is not capable of making the transition to prime minister’ from opposition. AAP/Alan Porritt

Bring on a leadership vote next week: Liberal backbencher

West Australian Liberal backbencher Dennis Jensen has urged the Liberals to hold a leadership vote next week, declaring Tony Abbott is not an effective leader and his position is “terminal”. Jensen told…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has promised ‘the most consultative and collegial government this country has ever seen’. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Abbott tells troops: don’t panic

Tony Abbott has appealed to his Liberal colleagues to show “character” and not “give in to short-term fear and make a difficult situation worse”. In an appearance billed as vital for his immediate political…
Queensland Liberal National MP Fiona Simpson is currently Speaker, but is making a strong pitch to lead her party – and perhaps even be premier. AAP Image/News Ltd Pool, Sarah Marshall

Queensland LNP left without a leader or an economic plan

With the Queensland election result still too close to call, Speaker Fiona Simpson is the first Liberal National MP to put her hand up to lead the party – and she immediately won praise from a crucial…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been dealt another bad poll result on the day of his National Press Club speech. AAP/Lukas Coch

Abbott ditches signature policy as his disapproval soars

Tony Abbott will finally and reluctantly declare his dream of a “bigger, better” paid parental leave (PPL) scheme is “off the table”, in a speech that has become crucial to staving off the mounting pressure…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott said he regretted the distraction his knighthood for Prince Philip had caused in the Queensland election campaign. AAP/Wayne King

New poll blow to Abbott on eve of crucial speech

The Abbott government would face a devastating rebuff if an election were held now, losing some 36 seats on a uniform 7.5% swing, according to a Fairfax/Ipsos poll published on Sunday. The poll, taken…
Labor leader Annastacia Palaszczuk has seen off Queensland Premier Campbell Newman – can she win government too? AAP/Dan Peled

Labor on the brink of a shock election win in Queensland

Queensland appears headed for a hung parliament or even a shock Labor win, with Premier Campbell Newman conceding defeat in his own seat less than three years after leading the Liberal National Party to…