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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 1026 - 1050 of 1544 articles

Anthony Albanese says a returned Labor government would invest in urban rail. AAP/Daniel Munoz

Labor would give rail its proper place: Albanese

Shadow infrastructure minister Anthony Albanese is already mapping out policy for a future Labor government, challenging in particular the priority Tony Abbott has given to roads and stipulating greater…
Clive Palmer’s televised tirade has unleashed a torrent of criticism from across the political spectrum. AAP/Lukas Coch

Chinese let fly at Palmer

The Chinese embassy lashed out at Clive Palmer’s extraordinary attack on Chinese “mongrels” and “bastards”, as a PUP senator went further than her leader, suggesting they might invade Australia. Palmer’s…
Cutting the RET would increase the profits of coal power stations. AAP/David Crosling

Renewable Energy Target cut would hit budget: modelling

Reducing the renewable energy target would cost the federal budget about $680 million more to meet Australia’s target of 5% emissions reduction by 2020, according to modelling released today by climate…
Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull says the Australian media needs more international coverage. AAP/Joe Castro

Tell us more about policy overseas, Turnbull exhorts media

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has criticised the Australian media’s lack of interest in how other countries tackle the big policy challenges that are faced here. “The Australian media rarely…
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and US Secretary of State John Kerry push for wider world attention on “foreign fighters”. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

Australians acting as Islamist extremist propagandists: ASIO head

Australia and the United States have agreed to take the issue of foreign fighters to the United Nations, as ASIO chief David Irvine today outlined an increasing local threat from Islamist extremists. After…
Defence Minister David Johnston has not ruled out providing back-up military assistance to the United States operation in Iraq. AAP/Alan Porritt

Australia may offer ‘back-up’ to US forces in Iraq rescue

Defence Minister David Johnston has said Australia is “not ruling out providing some back-up assistance” to American military action against insurgents in Iraq. Johnston today went further than Prime Minister…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Attorney General George Brandis announce new counter-terrorism measures and the dropping of proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act. AAP/Lukas Coch

Government retreats on weakening race act; advances on toughening terror laws

The government has dropped its planned weakening of the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) as it announces a tough set of anti-terrorism measures that will cost $630 million over four years. Prime Minister…
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison refused to be drawn on whether people were being trained to use the orange lifeboats. AAP/David Crosling

Tamils trained for lifeboat return to India: lawyers

Lawyers for the 157 Tamil asylum seekers now transferred to Nauru say that while being held at sea the people were told they would be put into orange lifeboats bound for India. The Human Rights Law Centre…
Immigration secretary Martin Bowles has rejected the notion of any cover up by the department relating to children in detention centres. AAP/Joel Carrett

Immigration secretary denies departmental cover-up of asylum health stats

Immigration department secretary Martin Bowles has said his department was seeking advice about new data on the mental health problems of children in detention, not trying to cover it up. Bowles was responding…
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has been urged to take asylum seeker children out of detention centres. AAP/Nikki Short

Appoint asylum seeker children an independent guardian: churches

Immigration minister Scott Morrison should cease to be the legal guardian of unaccompanied asylum seeker and refugee children, a church-sponsored report has urged. Instead, an independent guardian should…
Former speaker Peter Slipper has been found guilty of misusing Cabcharges. AAP/Lukas Coch

Slipper found guilty over trips to wineries

Former Speaker Peter Slipper has been found guilty of dishonestly misusing his parliamentary entitlements in charging the taxpayer for travel to various wineries around Canberra. Slipper took three trips…
Bill Shorten has reaffirmed Labor’s commitment to action on climate change. AAP/Lukas Coch

Shorten urges climate issues be a priority at G20

Opposition leader Bill Shorten has taken his battle with prime minister Tony Abbott over climate policy to an international stage, saying the issue should be a priority for the G20 leaders’ meeting in…
Using digital media, volunteers crowdsource people to check the Indonesia Election Commission’s vote count. Rawpixel/Shutterstock

Audio Q&A: Volunteers use digital media to guard Indonesians’ votes

Amid fears of electoral fraud in Indonesia’s presidential election, voters are using digital media to monitor the Election Commission’s tally process. Singapore-based math wiz Ainun Najib has set up…
Senator John Faulkner is a voice for Labor Party reform. AAP/Daniel Munoz

NSW Labor must change as well as apologise: John Faulkner

Labor Party guru senator John Faulkner has called on the NSW ALP to “front up and apologise” for the corruption that has tainted state politics – and to embrace reforms to prevent it ever happening again…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been dealt another blow in the polls. AAP/ Britta Campion

Abbott has big ‘trust deficit’: poll

The continuing bitter fight over the budget has seen Labor maintain a strong two-party lead and Tony Abbott regarded as trustworthy by only just over one third of voters, in the latest Nielsen poll in…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott attends the remembrance mass for victims of flight MH17 at St Mary’s in Sydney. AAP/Nikki Short

Abbott: Priority of security committee was treatment of the dead

Cabinet’s national security met tonight to discuss the latest developments in the MH17 tragedy, especially securing the bodies of victims, as the death toll of Australian citizens and permanent residents…
Assistant Immigration Minister Michaelia Cash has accused Labor of pandering to unions. AAP/Lukas Coch

Offshore workers in limbo after Senate action

The Senate has disallowed an Abbott government regulation relating to the visas required for foreigners employed on offshore oil and gas projects, leaving many workers in limbo. Assistant Immigration Minister…
Senator Cory Bernardi would like the Senate to become a more robust house of review. AAP/Alan Porritt

Let’s have a really freewheeling Senate: Bernardi

Controversial Liberal senator Cory Bernardi will challenge the power of executive government and its desire to dictate to its senators in a provocative speech this week. Bernardi, a South Australian who…
Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm will introduce gay marriage legislation into the Senate. AAP/Lukas Coch

Leyonhjelm to use leverage to get gay marriage conscience vote

Liberal Democrats’ senator David Leyonhjelm has threatened to trade his vote on temporary protection visas or other legislation to force the Liberals to allow a conscience vote on gay marriage. In the…