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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 1101 - 1125 of 1541 articles

John Faulkner has been a loud voice for Labor party reform. AAP/Daniel Munoz

Faulkner successor to be chosen by the old factional system

Veteran Labor senator John Faulkner wants Senate candidates chosen by the party rank and file – but the NSW party has ensured his successor will be selected by the present, faction-dominated system. Faulkner…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has reframed his election commitments on tax. AAP/Julian Smith

Abbott on the defensive after retreat on paid parental leave

Tony Abbott has reluctantly lowered the cap on his signature paid parental leave scheme from $150,000 income level to $100,000 - declaring he would have preferred to stick with the original policy. The…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott said a temporary deficit tax would not be a broken promise. AAP/Julian Smith

Abbott on back foot over tax levy, parental leave

Prime Minister Tony Abbott today struggled to reconcile a mooted “deficit reduction levy” with his promise not to raise taxes, while also fending off attacks from within the Coalition on his expensive…
Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser does not see China as a source of future danger unless it is provoked unreasonably. AAP/Mal Fairclough

Fraser says get US forces out of northern Australia and close Pine Gap

Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser has made a radical call for Australia to break its alliance with the United States and become a “strategically independent” country. In his new book Dangerous Allies…
Alison Anderson (right) rallies with Yuendumu protestors outside the Parliamentary Legislative Assembly. AAP/Grenville Turner

Palmer notches another win, with three NT parliamentarians joining PUP

The recruitment of three former Country Liberal Party indigenous MPs in the Northern Territory to Clive Palmer’s party has comes as a fresh blow to the conservative side of politics and provoked an extraordinary…
Environment Minister Greg Hunt will be offering to meet all the crossbenchers in an attempt to pass his climate legislation through the Senate. AAP/Dan Peled

Hunt courts recalcitrant Palmer on “direct action”

Environment Minister Greg Hunt has put out feelers to Clive Palmer to try to soften his opposition to the government’s direct action plan to reduce carbon emissions. Releasing the government’s white paper…
Treasurer Joe Hockey has confirmed a Medicare co-payment is in the mix of budget measures. AAP/Lukas Coch

Hockey’s message to current aged pensioners: don’t worry

Treasurer Joe Hockey has moved to reassure older people fearful of being hit by budget changes, saying the main target of his push to contain aged pension costs will be his generation and those that follow…
Joe Hockey says the only sustainable solution to fixing the budget is to wind back the excessive levels of spending. AAP/Lukas Coch

Means testing and co-payments part of fixing the budget: Hockey

Repairing the budget will require more use of means testing and co-payments, Treasurer Joe Hockey has warned, in a speech also renewing his criticism of “corporate welfare”. Hockey appealed to people not…
Much of the speculation before Treasurer Joe Hockey’s first budget suggests various Coalition election commitments will be broken. AAP/Lukas Coch

Hockey to give firm date on Audit Commission unveiling

Treasurer Joe Hockey will today reveal the release date for the much anticipated Commission of Audit report, as he does more softening up for a tough budget. The government has promised the report will…
A doctor copayment would form part of a user pays approach favoured by Treasurer Joe Hockey. AAP/Lukas Coch

Cabinet expenditure committee looking at GP co-payment budget plan

Patients could be up for a co-payment of around $5 when they visit the doctor under a plan being prepared for next month’s budget. The co-payment would save the budget billions of dollars over the medium…
Mike Baird leaves a party meeting after being elected unopposed as the next leader of the NSW Liberal Party. AAP/Daniel Munoz

Baird elected NSW Premier, flags disclosure changes

Mike Baird is the new premier of New South Wales with Gladys Berejiklian as deputy leader of the NSW Liberal Party, after being elected unopposed at a party meeting this afternoon. The result was all but…
New South Wales Premier Barry O'Farrell has resigned over evidence tendered to an ICAC inquiry. AAP/Sophie Tarr

Barry O'Farrell quits as NSW Premier over ICAC ‘memory fail’

New South Wales Premier Barry O’Farrell has rocked the Liberal Party by quitting over evidence contradicting his earlier denial to the Independent Commission Against Corruption that he was given a $3000…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott is prioritising getting the budget out of deficit over other promises. AAP/Alan Porritt

Finance Industry calls for retirement changes

Prime minister Tony Abbott has said pensioners will be better off because they will lose the carbon tax while keeping the compensation for it, as expectations rise of budget changes to put the pension…
Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has previously hinted toward an efficiency dividend for the ABC and SBS. AAP/Daniel Munoz

Results of efficiency probe come as ABC funding debate gathers steam

The government’s review of the efficiency of the ABC is believed to be finished, as speculation mounts about budget cuts to the national broadcaster. The review, which also covers SBS, was established…
We are a friend: Australian prime minister Tony Abbott has told the Chinese the visit is about more than simply making a deal. AAP

Abbott to Chinese: We’re not just here for the trade deal

Prime minister Tony Abbott has cast his visit to China as not just aimed at doing a deal but being a friend – while simultaneously stressing he is anxious to advance negotiations for the free trade agreement…
Former foreign minister Bob Carr’s diary has sparked controversy over the political influence of the “pro-Israel lobby”. AAP

Carr sparks brawl over political influence of Melbourne Jewish lobby

A defiant Bob Carr says he is proud to have resisted the bullying influence of the pro-Israel lobby on the Gillard government, after critics have accused him of bigotry and making claims just to sell his…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott shakes hands with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Australia-Japan FTA finalised after long gestation

Australia and Japan have concluded a free trade agreement that will bring better access for local beef exporters and cheaper imported cars. The deal, finalised during Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s visit…
Opposition leader Bill Shorten says the Labor Party must change itself to win back public support and the opportunity to govern. AAP/Tim Clarke

Party reform is vital to regain public support: Shorten

Opposition leader Bill Shorten will formally call on the Labor party to drop its rule making it compulsory for prospective members to join a union. He sees the change, though symbolic, as important in…
Clive Palmer’s Palmer United Party has had a strong result at the Western Australian senate byelection. AAP/Tim Clarke

Palmer and Greens are the big winners in West Australian Senate poll

Clive Palmer has secured a seat in a West Australian senate result that saw large swings against both Coalition and Labor and the Greens dramatically increase their vote. On latest counting, the Liberals…
Mark Scott believes that despite new players on the media scene, the traditional news providers remain dominant. AAP/Alan Porritt

Murdoch’s newspaper dominance could increase, ABC chief warns

News Corporation could increase its share of newspapers purchased in Australia’s capital cities to about 80% and have a weekday monopoly in all except Perth, ABC managing director Mark Scott has said…
Tim Soutphommasane thinks it is important to reflect on the debate about changes to the racial discrimination act in the context of multicultural Australia and Australian engagement with Asia.

Racial law change could affect Asian engagement, says Race Discrimination Commissioner

Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane will suggest today that the government’s proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act could harm Australia’s ability to most effectively engage…
Finance Minister Mathias Cormann has announced the planned sale of Medibank Private. AAP/Alan Porritt

Medibank Private up for sale in 2014-15

The government has given the green light for Medibank Private to be put up for public sale next financial year. Although Finance Minister Mathias Cormann would not put any value on the company, it has…
Attorney-General George Brandis has announced the changes to the Racial Discrimination Legislation. AAP/Daniel Munoz

Race act changes will go to community consultation: Brandis

Federal Attorney-General George Brandis has unveiled the government’s proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act, scrapping section 18C prohibiting actions that “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate…