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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 1176 - 1200 of 1541 articles

Students who have a gap year achieve more highly at university than students who enter university straight after school and mature age students, the study found. Frontierofficial

Study links a gap year to better university grades

Students who take gap years are more successful in their university studies than mature aged students or students who enter university straight from high school, according to a new study. Professorial…
Sophie Mirabella has lost the previously safe seat of Indi. AAP/Alan Porritt

Mirabella concedes in cliffhanger

As her erstwhile colleagues formally moved into government, former Liberal frontbencher Sophie Mirabella conceded defeat to local independent Cathy McGowan in the Victorian regional seat of Indi. With…
Tony Abbott has repeatedly promised to “stop the boats”. AAP/Alan Porritt

Army man to head Abbott’s drive to stop the boats

The deputy chief of the Army, Angus Campbell, is being appointed to oversee “Operation Sovereign Borders” which will spearhead the Abbott government’s effort to combat the people smuggling trade to Australia…
Chief Scientist Ian Chubb believes Australia needs to better promote science. AAP/Alan Porritt

Take science brief across government, science chief urges

Tony Abbott’s treatment of science has sparked another controversy over his ministry, with a backbencher slamming the absence of a dedicated minister for the area, and the Chief Scientist calling for a…
Tony Abbott has announced a relatively surprise free ministry. AAP/Alan Porritt

Women deflation in the Abbott frontbench

Tony Abbott has only five women in a 30-member ministry that preserves stability in the higher reaches of his team but promotes some new talent in the junior levels. Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop…
Bronwyn Bishop will become the 29th Speaker in the House of Representatives. AAP/Alan Porritt

Bronwyn Bishop to be Speaker

Liberal frontbencher Bronwyn Bishop has accepted the job of Speaker in the House of Representatives – despite making it known to colleagues earlier this year that she did not want the position. This has…
Would business leaders pay to see Anthony Albanese (pictured) debate Bill Shorten for the Labor leadership? AAP/Dan Peled

Let business pay to hear from ALP contestants: Albanese

Anthony Albanese has suggested Labor should help pay for its leadership contest by running a forum for business people to hear from the two candidates. Tomorrow Labor’s national executive will discuss…
The ALP leadership contest between Anthony Albanese and Bill Shorten will be decided in a month-long ballot. AAP

ALP rank and file get the chance to flex their muscle

Labor party branch members are set for their first ever say in who should be the ALP’s leader, after Anthony Albanese and Bill Shorten both nominated for the post. The contest will run for around a month…
Chris Bowen has ruled out standing for the Labor leadership, but has made his case for the shadow treasurer position. AAP/Lukas Coch

Bowen puts up hand for shadow treasurer

Former treasurer Chris Bowen has made a public bid to “shadow” his old job in opposition. Ruling himself out as a contender for Labor leader, Bowen told a news conference he would be available to the new…
Tony Abbott has won a decisive victory for the Coalition. AAP/Lisa Maree Williams

Abbott clinches victory as Rudd exits from leadership

Tony Abbott has won government with a decisive majority but the Labor party has avoided the rout that it had feared. A victorious Abbott told the Liberal faithful “Australia is under new management; Australia…
The polls have got worse for Kevin Rudd on election day. AAP/Lukas Coch

Poll points to strong Abbott win

Tony Abbott is set to clinch a strong victory at today’s election, according to a Nielsen poll that shows the Coalition leading 54-46% in two-party terms, a 4% swing since the 2010 election. Labor’s primary…
Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb finally announced the Coalition costings, after the advertising blackout. AAP/David Crosling

Coalition: aid cuts to pay for infrastructure

The Coalition would slash Australia’s foreign aid program by a massive $4.5 billion over the forward estimates, to finance its nearly $5 billion infrastructure plan to build roads, bridges and freight…
Kevin Rudd spoke to an intimate, but enthusiastic crowd, at the Labor campaign launch. AAP/Dan Peled

Rudd makes modest promises in jobs-centered launch

Kevin Rudd has pitched to the “battler” vote and small business at a campaign launch in which he declared Labor was “now engaged in the fight of our lives” but could prevail next Saturday. Rudd told an…
Chris Bowen, Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong are pushing for the Coalition to release their full costings. AAP/Lukas Coch

There is a big hole in Coalition savings, government says

The government claims to have found a $10 billion hole in the opposition’s $31.6 billion savings package. Labor bases its figure on material prepared before the caretaker period by Treasury, the Finance…
A roundtable of academics have reviewed family and work policies proposed by the major parties in the lead up to the 2013 election on September 7. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Major parties fall short on work and family policy: experts

Australia is approaching a “care tsunami” in which more people will find themselves juggling work with care of children and the elderly but experts have warned that neither major party has proposed adequate…
Joe Hockey has announced the costings of the controversial paid parental leave scheme. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

Coalition says its savings total so far is $31 billion

The Coalition has released a package of additional savings, bringing its total savings put out so far to $31.6 billion. Savings announced by shadow treasurer Joe Hockey and finance spokesman Andrew Robb…
Kevin Rudd has spoken to US President Barack Obama about the situation in Syria. AAP/Lukas Coch

Rudd criticised on fleet move; talks with Obama on Syria

A proposal to move some or all of the Garden Island naval base fleet from Sydney has been slammed as too costly and a blatant bid to shore up Labor support in Queensland. In a speech to the Lowy Institute…
Tony Abbott is pitching to the longterm unemployed in his new initiative. AAP/Alan Porritt

Incentives to get people off the dole, and on the move

Long term unemployed young people could receive up to $6500 if they held down a job for two years, under an initiative announced by Tony Abbott today. Under a job commitment bonus payment people aged 18…
There was a 257% increase in the decade from 1995 to 2005 in caravan registrations. suziesparkle

Grey nomads drive caravan boom but camp spots decline

Travelling baby boomers, grey nomads and younger, adventure-seeking families are driving a rapid resurgence in caravan registrations at a time when traditional caravan park spots are in consistent decline…
Tony Abbott made his pitch for voters at the Coalition’s official party launch in Brisbane. AAP/Dan Peled

Abbott launch: small hand-outs, but big promises

Tony Abbott has targeted self-funded retirees and western Sydney, with modest promises at his campaign launch in which he appealed to Australians to “choose change” on September 7. A Coalition government…
The Nielsen poll has more bad news for Kevin Rudd and Labor. AAP/Lukas Coch

Coalition widens gap

The latest Nielsen poll brings more bad news for Labor, with the Coalition increasing its two-party lead to 53-47%, a fall in Kevin Rudd’s approval and Tony Abbott closing the gap as preferred PM. A fortnight…
Tony Abbott announced the Coalition’s health policy, in Malcolm Turnbull’s seat of Wentworth. AAP/Alan Porritt

Another political blow for big tobacco

Tony Abbott has banned the Liberal Party from accepting tobacco company donations. Abbott acted after Kevin Rudd told Fairfax Media that if re-elected he would amend the Electoral Act to ban donations…
Given the chance to engage directly with people and each other, both leaders put on a good performance. AAP/Alan Porritt

Rudd lifts his performance in an all-round better bout

The Rudd-Abbott face-off at the “people’s forum” was a much better contest than the tortured first encounter before a panel of journalists. The two engaged with each other; there was more spontaneity…