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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 1251 - 1275 of 1541 articles

Many of the measures in Wayne Swan’s budget had already been announced in advance. AAP/Lukas Coch

Federal budget 2013: big deficit to stay next year

Treasurer Wayne Swan has delivered a budget with a A$19.4 billion deficit this financial year, falling only to $18 billion in 2013-14. The government would aim to bring the budget back to “balance” – less…
People from opposite ends of Europe may still share many common ancestors, the genome study found.

Family ties: study finds all Europeans are related

Scientists have uncovered what, for some couples, may be an uncomfortable truth: all people of European descent are related. Go back a few generations and even people from opposite ends of the European…
The centre will develop new teaching methods based on lab research and tested in two experimental classrooms. AAP/Dan Peled

Q+A: $16m boost to unpack the science of learning

A research centre where experts will use the latest findings from neuroscience, education and psychology to better understand how students learn will open this year, after the Australian government announced…
Over 1000 professors have signed a letter calling on the Government to reverse plans to cut university funding to pay for school reforms. AAP

Over 1000 professors call on Gillard to reverse planned uni cuts

Over a thousand Australian professors have signed an open letter asking the federal government to abandon plans for $2.3 billion worth of cuts to the university sector. The cuts, announced this month as…
NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell (right) said today he would back Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s school reforms package. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

NSW backs Gillard’s Gonski schools plan

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard today said NSW has become the first state to sign up to the National Education Reform Agreement, which aims to add $A14.5 billion to the public and private school…
Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor says no decision has been made on sending families to the Curtin Immigration Detention Centre, pictured above, but local councillors say they have recently been told to expect families at the centre. AAP Image/Amnesty International

Experts concerned govt may detain refugee children at Curtin

Child and refugee psychiatry experts have raised concerns over reports the government is considering sending refugee families with children to the Curtin Immigration Detention Centre, a remote ex-army…
Incorporating food prescriptions into the primary health care system would help highlight the importance of a healthy diet. Rusty Stewart

Prescription for healthy food in remote Indigenous communities

Doctors should be able to provide subsidised “prescriptions” for healthy food to people in remote Aboriginal communities, says an Indigenous nutrition expert. Professor Kerin O'Dea, Professor of Nutrition…
The Prime Minister Julia Gillard today unveiled the government’s plan to overhaul school funding. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

States told to pay a third of school funding reform

The states are being asked to pay for one third of the ambitious Gonski school funding program, which would inject a total of $14.5 billion extra across the public and private school sectors over the next…
Talking technology: Coalition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Fox Sports’ John O'Sullivan. AAP/Lloyd Jones

User-pays for fastest internet access under Coalition plan

The federal Coalition’s new A$30 billion plan for “fast, affordable” broadband is a quick-fix strategy, which is likely to cost more and be less reliable long-term, according to experts. Launching the…
The editorial board of the Journal of Library Administration is the latest group of journal editors to quit over open access issues.

Journal editorial board quits over open access principle

The entire editorial board of a US academic journal has resigned in protest over restrictions that would require scholars to wait up to 18 months before making their published research more widely available…
Craig Emerson will be assisted by Sharon Bird and Don Farrell in the Higher Education portfolio. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Emerson, Farrell and Bird to share higher education portfolio

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard today named Craig Emerson as her new Tertiary Education minister, saying that junior ministers Don Farrell and Sharon Bird will assist him in the role. The reshuffle…
A new set of free online courses will soon be available Online learning image from

The Aussie Coursera? A new homegrown MOOC platform arrives

A new free online education platform has been launched in Canberra today, by tertiary education minister Chris Bowen. Open Universities Australia, a private distance and online education organisation…
Traditional newsrooms have shrunk but new players have emerged, the report said.

Newsroom cuts a boon for PR but a turnoff for readers: report

Widespread cost cutting in newsrooms has led to less investigative journalism, more weather and traffic reports and greater opportunities for lobbyists to get their message into the media, a US report…
A van believed to carry convicted mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik arrives at the Ila prison outside Oslo. EPA/FREDRIK VARFJELL

Nordic prisons less crowded, less punitive, better staffed

Prisons in Sweden, Norway and Finland have a smaller average inmate population, bigger cells and broader access to social services than jails in English-speaking countries, a 10-year study has found. The…
A new study says global poverty is on the way down. EPA/Yahya Arhab

Global poverty is shrinking: study

Global poverty is declining and may be eradicated altogether in some countries in the next 20 years, a new study by the University of Oxford has found. The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative…
Minister for Communications Stephen Conroy released the Federal Government’s response to Convergence Review and Finkelstein Inquiry today. AAP/Lukas Coch

Conroy proposes media reforms: the experts respond

Australian print and online news organisations will be self-regulated through voluntary membership of a press standards body, under media reforms proposed by the Federal Government today. The reforms comprise…
Professor Gareth Evans believes the political wounds from the actions of Sir John Kerr are yet to heal completely. AAP/Lukas Coch

Gareth Evans maintains the rage

Sir John Kerr was the worst of Australia’s governors-general and his legacy was to delay the emergence of an Australian republic, former Labor minister Gareth Evans will tell a seminar today. Evans will…
Treasurer Wayne Swan will announce measures to improve costings today. AAP/Dave Hunt

Swan pressures opposition with greater budget transparency

Treasurer Wayne Swan will today promise to release the 2012-13 budget outcome “well before the election”, as part of measures to increase budget transparency and put pressure on the opposition over costings…
Fairfax chief Greg Hywood says The Guardian is not a competitive brand in Australia. AAP/Paul Miller

Fairfax delays paywall, dismisses threat from The Guardian

Fairfax chief executive Greg Hywood has dismissed the threat from the impending Australian launch of UK media group The Guardian, telling shareholders it is not a strong competitive brand in Australia…
Bullies are at higher risk of antisocial personality disorder, the study found.

Both bullies and their victims are at greater risk of mental illness

Bullies and their victims are at a higher risk of young adult psychiatric disorders, a new US study has found, with the worst effects seen in those who are both victims and perpetrators. In a study published…
Marius Kloppers will retire as BHP Billiton’s CEO in May. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Kloppers retires as BHP chief, leaving corporate and political legacy

Marius Kloppers, who today announced his intention to resign as CEO of mining firm BHP Billiton, leaves behind a formidable legacy in both mining and politics as head of a firm that campaigned for a scaled-down…
Milne said The Greens will continue to guarantee supply and confidence to the government, despite a string of decisions that disappointed her. (AAP Image/Alan Porritt)

Milne: Labor walked away from Greens but we will see this parliament through

The leader of the Australian Greens, Christine Milne, today delivered a stinging attack on the Australian Labor Party, accusing it of ending a deal the two parties struck that allowed Labor leader Julia…
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces extradition to Sweden over sexual assault charges and is residing in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. EPA/ANDY RAIN

‘WikiLeaks Party will attract the support of many women’: Assange

The nascent WikiLeaks Party will combine a small, centralised leadership with grass roots involvement and will attract many female voters, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said. Assange, who is living…
Smoke-free public areas are now common in Australia. AAP/Kalo Fainu

Smoking bans reduce risk of preterm births: study

Smoking bans have been linked with a reduction in the risk of preterm baby deliveries in a new Belgian study. The study, published on the British Medical Journal website today, included more than 600,000…