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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 1226 - 1250 of 1541 articles

Bill Shorten is integral in the Gonski negotiations. AAP/Dan Peled

Victoria appears close to Gonski deal

The federal government expects Victoria to sign up to the Better Schools funding plan next week, and has extended the deadline for negotiations with outstanding states on the package. Victoria and Queensland…
Australia aims to be ranked among the top five countries in the world by 2025 for student performance in reading, science and maths literacy. AAP Image/Dan Peled

Pay teachers according to expertise: report

Governments should invest in postgraduate school teacher education and primary-level specialist teachers in maths and science, according to a new green paper released today by the Melbourne Graduate School…
Kevin Rudd will use his address at the National Press Club to question Tony Abbott’s negative politics. AAP/Lukas Coch

Rudd will condemn Captain Negative for “lazy” politics

Kevin Rudd today will paint Tony Abbott as “Captain Negative”, unwilling to do the hard work needed to develop policies to change the country and guilty of talking Australia down. Appearing at the National…
Kevin Rudd’s first prime ministership is closely associated with Indigenous issues, after his national apology to the stolen generations. AAP/Gary Ramage

Leaders snipe over Indigenous referendum they both support

Kevin Rudd has said he wants a referendum within two years of the election to recognise Australia’s Indigenous people in the constitution - and told Tony Abbott to get his act together on the issue. Both…
Malcolm Turnbull believes the Liberals offer a real alternative team. AAP/Alan Porritt

Turnbull sees election as presidential Rudd versus team Abbott

With Tony Abbott lagging as preferred PM against Kevin Rudd, Liberal frontbencher Malcolm Turnbull has cast the election as a contest between a presidential pitch and “a traditional cabinet-based, consultative…
Kevin Rudd wants to reform the NSW branch of the ALP. But will he be successful? AAP/Alan Porrit

Can Rudd reform NSW Labor? And will it save him?

Prime minister Kevin Rudd is seeking to improve his chances of re-election by reforming the troubled New South Wales branch of the Labor Party. NSW Labor has been embarrassed in recent years by a series…
The courtroom in the County Court of Victoria as used for the study’s experiment. Emma Rowden

Higher quality court videolinks will improve justice outcomes: study

Poor lighting, bad camera angles and technical glitches in videolink testimonies can affect justice outcomes in court, a new study has found, with researchers urging courts to adopt standardised videoconferencing…
Tony Abbott has advised confused voters to vote no on the referendum. AAP/David Crosling

Abbott backtracks on referendum

Tony Abbott has given the government an excuse to ditch the proposed referendum to recognise local government in the constitution, if it wants to. Abbott today advised Australians who did not understand…
Senator Carr promised to examine the proposed funding changes within existing budget constraints. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Kim Carr concerned by student numbers: the experts respond

The rise of student numbers in Australian universities that followed the lifting of a cap on enrolment quotas last year is concerning, newly-minted Higher Education Minister Kim Carr said today. Under…
Rudd’s new ministry retains several well-known figures in their previous roles but also includes a few newer names. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Rudd’s new cabinet: the experts respond

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has named his new cabinet, which features a few familiar names and several others that will be unknown to many Australians. Here are some expert reactions to the new ministry…
Kevin Rudd has unveiled a new ministry, as more Labor MPs announce their retirement from politics. AAP/Jon Reid

Shorten for key role on Gonski as Rudd unveils his team

Bill Shorten will take over the Education portfolio, with its challenge of securing the Gonski school funding reforms, and Tony Burke gets the poison chalice of Immigration, in Kevin Rudd’s extensive reshuffle…
Tony Windsor has announced his retirement from federal politics. AAP/Alan Porritt

Country independents bow out - but play to the end

The two country independents on whose support the Gillard government has depended - Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott – both announced this morning that they will quit politics at the election. As the Labor…
Farmers stand to gain from digital technology such as sensors to track livestock movement.

NBN a gamechanger for agribusiness: report

A national broadband network and mobile sensor technologies could transform the Australian agribusiness sector but farmers have lagged behind the rest of the country in adopting telecommunications technology…
Tony Abbott will today set out a plan for Northern Australia. AAP/Alan Porritt

Abbott woos Northern Australia

Tony Abbott will release the Coalition’s “vision” for northern Australia today but avoid immediate big dollar promises by saying he would commission a White Paper on policy option. The White Paper, to…
Steve Gibbons’ motion to allow the caucus to elect the frontbench, has been deferred till after the election. AAP/Alan Porritt

Post-election caucus to decide whether to elect frontbench

Caucus has left it to next term’s Labor MPs to decide whether they want to reclaim the right to choose the frontbench. A move by retiring backbencher Steve Gibbons was deferred until after the election…
Lieutenant General David Morrison is “appalled” at the defence force email scandal. AAP/Lukas Coch

Officers demean women in new defence force scandal

The Australian Defence Force is engulfed in a fresh sex scandal, with three members already suspended and under police investigation for allegedly circulating material demeaning women, and the conduct…
Former leader Kevin Rudd maintains that he accepts the verdict of the last leadership ballot. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Rudd leaves crack open on leadership

Kevin Rudd has given heart to his loyalists by failing to repeat his categoric March declaration that he will never lead Labor again, while reiterating that he would not challenge Julia Gillard. After…
Senator David Feeney believes he has the support of the Prime Minister for preselection in the seat of Batman. AAP/Alan Porritt

Brian Howe says PM should keep out of Batman battle

Former deputy prime minister Brian Howe, who held Batman for two decades, has strongly backed local woman Mary-Anne Thomas in the bitter preselection battle for the seat. Howe said Labor should keep its…
A new set of Australian university profiles was released today. University image from

University profiles experiment aims for greater transparency

A new Australian university profile system has today released its first round of data, mirroring similar tools in Europe. The new measure comes as part of a wider search for alternatives to traditional…
Warren Truss has told the Nationals’ federal council that Australia has lost control of its agribusiness. AAP/Alan Porritt

Australia has lost control of its agribusiness to foreigners: Truss

Nationals leader Warren Truss has warned Australia has lost control of its agribusinesses and declared a new takeover bid poses a critical test for the Foreign Investment Review Board. Mr Truss told his…
Martin Ferguson has retired from Parliament. AAP/Alan Porritt

Martin Ferguson will not stand again

Former resources minister Martin Ferguson has announced that he will quit Parliament at the election. Ferguson, a Rudd supporter and one of the ministers who stood down after the March leadership crisis…
Wayne Swan’s budget has been met with mixed reviews. AAP/Alan Porritt

Federal budget 2013: business and community groups respond

There has been a mixed initial reaction to Treasurer Wayne Swan’s sixth budget from industry and community groups. Big business says it is disappointed with Wayne Swan’s sixth federal budget, laying doubt…