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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 1126 - 1150 of 1541 articles

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann has had an about face on the controversial FoFA legislation. AAP/Alan Porritt

Cormann presses “pause” on FoFA changes after public pushback

The government has temporarily put on hold its highly controversial dilution of consumer protections in the financial advice laws while it consults with stakeholders. The announcement by Finance Minister…
Senator Arthur Sinodinos has stood aside from his role as Assistant Treasurer. AAP/Alan Porritt

Sinodinos stands aside during corruption inquiry

Assistant Treasurer Arthur Sinodinos has bowed to political pressure and stood aside from the ministry during the Independent Commission against Corruption’s inquiry into a company he chaired that was…
The rise of homegrown terrorism and foreign fighters in conflicts such as the Syrian civil war has prompted governments to consider various policy responses to combat such threats. EPA/Stringer

Too much too young? Teaching children about violent extremism

Dealing with the rise of homegrown terrorism has prompted governments to take novel approaches in combating such threats. The UK government, for example, has recently pushed for schools to teach children…
Qantas has backtracked on its previous statement on the carbon tax. AAP/Barbara Walton

Qantas somersaults on carbon tax burden

Qantas has done a backflip over the role of the carbon tax in the problems it faces. After declaring on Monday that “the major issues Qantas faces are not related to carbon pricing”, it now says this cost…
Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane has passionately defended Section 18c of the racial discrimination act.

Human rights chiefs divided on racial discrimination act

Members of the Human Rights Commission are sharply at odds over plans to water down the Racial Discrimination Act. Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane, in a speech to be delivered tonight…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Minister for Agriculture Barnaby Joyce have announced a drought assistance package. AAP/Alan Porritt

Drought hit farmers are a special case for assistance, says Abbott

A $280 million scheme for concessional loans enabling farmers to borrow up to $1 million is a centrepiece of the government’s drought relief announced today. The $320 million package includes more generous…
Former Labor MP Craig Thomson continues to be the talk of the parliament. AAP/Joe Castro

Parliament says sorry over Thomson statement

The House of Representatives has made an unprecedented apology over the false statement made to the parliament by disgraced former Labor MP Craig Thomson. The apology, moved by Leader of the House Christopher…
Tony Abbott has warned that health, education and welfare funding need to be made more sustainable. AAP/Daniel Munoz

Health and schools spending growth must eventually be slowed: Abbott

Tony Abbott has warned that the rate of increase in spending on health and schools must be reduced “in the longer term”. He has also pledged that all new spending in the May budget will be fully funded…
Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss is our most popular political leader. AAP/Daniel Munoz

Who would have guessed? Truss tops leadership stakes

The Australian Election Study has found that Tony Abbott is the most unpopular leader to win an election since the ANU began to track public opinion in 1987. The study, done after each election, confirmed…
Electoral Commissioner Ed Killesteyn has resigned following confirmation of a fresh senate poll in Western Australia. AAP

Electoral Commissioner quits after WA vote debacle

The Australian Electoral Commissioner, Ed Killesteyn, has resigned a day after confirmation that Western Australians will go to a fresh Senate poll caused by the AEC losing 1370 votes. The government has…
Clive Palmer has strongly criticised the Australian Electoral Commission over the missing votes in Western Australia. AAP/Daniel Munoz

The West set to vote again for the Senate

Western Australian voters are set to face an unprecedented fresh Senate election after the High Court signalled it would strike down the result of the September poll because 1370 ballot papers were lost…
Tony Abbott will table the latest closing the gap report in Parliament on Wednesday. Alan Porritt/AAP

Failure to make progress closing the Indigenous employment gap

Tony Abbott will outline limited and mixed progress on targets for addressing indigenous disadvantage in a report to federal parliament on “closing the gap”. No progress has been made against the target…
Labor candidate Terri Butler has retained Kevin Rudd’s former seat of Griffith for the ALP. AAP/Dan Peled

The ALP wins Griffith byelection but suffers swing

Labor has held on to the federal seat of Griffith, but the byelection has seen a small swing against the ALP in Kevin Rudd’s former electorate. The Liberal National Party refused to concede tonight, as…
Mark Scott has had to publicly defend the ABC. AAP/Alan Porritt

ABC admits fault in reporting asylum seeker allegations

The ABC has admitted the wording in its initial reporting of asylum seekers’ claims that the Australian Navy mistreated them should have been “more precise” and conceded it could have been misleading…
Prime minister Tony Abbott has formally announced General Peter Cosgrove as Governor General designate. AAP/Alan Porritt

Cosgrove promises to listen but avoid public controversy

Governor-General designate Peter Cosgrove wants to visit “stressed” indigenous communities in tandem with Australian of the Year Adam Goodes to see what their conditions are like. But Cosgrove, 66, whose…
Tony Abbott and Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane have released their plan for Holden workers. AAP/Alan Porritt

Abbott tells businesses not to expect subsidies

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has sent a strong message to businesses not to expect handouts from his government, as he announced a $A100 million fund to cushion the impact from Holden’s decision to end manufacturing…
Bad news: Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey delivered a bleak outlook at the National Press Club in Canberra. AAP/Alan Porritt

Hockey delivers bleak economic forecast

Australia’s debt would hit A$667 billion – more than a quarter of GDP – in a decade on present projections, according to the mid year update that also shows the federal budget has deteriorated by A$101…
Joe Hockey will today deliver his first MYEFO. AAP/Stefan Postles

Massive deficit comes wrapped in blame

The budget update released today will reveal that without policy changes, Australia’s cumulative deficits would total more than $120 billion over the forward estimates. On the basis of revised numbers…