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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 1051 - 1075 of 1544 articles

Pollsters wait until sample polling stations completed the vote count before releasing quick count results. Popularity surveys, exit polls and quick counts in Indonesia's election

Quick counts, exit polls and surveys in Indonesia’s election

Exit polls and quick count results from seven pollsters in Indonesia show Jakarta governor Joko Widodo as the winner in Indonesia’s presidential election. According to the quick count results, which have…
Former military general Prabowo Subianto may not be a reliable protector of human rights in Indonesia if he is elected president. AAP/Zoe Reynolds

Potential foul play in Indonesia’s election

As the contest for the Indonesian presidency becomes too close to call, political scientist Djayadi Hanan says there is a possibility of foul play in Wednesday’s election. “So each side will try any effort…
Smear campaigns in social media damaged Joko Widodo’s image in Indonesia’s presidential race. shutterstock

AUDIO Q&A: Media in Indonesia’s presidential election

On July 9, Indonesia votes for a new president in a neck-and-neck race between former military general Prabowo Subianto and Jakarta governor Joko Widodo. Backed by media moguls, Prabowo Subianto’s camp…
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe addressing a special joint sitting of the Australian parliament. AAP/Lukas Coch

Prime Minister Abe talks up Japan-Australia ‘special relationship’

The new “special relationship” between Japan and Australia comes to life today, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has told a joint sitting of federal Parliament. In an address also expressing “sincere…
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison is facing trouble from a High Court test to his asylum policy. AAP/David Crosling

High Court puts interim block on Sri Lankan asylum transfer

The High Court has issued a temporary injunction to stop the Australian government transferring more than 150 asylum seekers, who are on a boat unheard of publicly for more than a week, to Sri Lankan authorities…
Clive Palmer will support the direct action plan if the government supports his ETS. AAP/Alan Porritt

Palmer will vote to preserve the schoolkids bonus

Clive Palmer has widened the budget measures his party will oppose in the Senate to include the government’s attempt to abolish the schoolkids bonus. Appearing at the National Press Club, Palmer also flagged…
Janet Albrechtsen has been named to the panel overseeing appointments to the boards of the ABC and SBS. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Government appoints its friends to the ABC nomination panel

A conservative columnist and a former minister in the Fraser government have been appointed to the panel that advises on nominations to the ABC and SBS boards. Janet Albrechtsen, who writes a column for…
Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson has called for tax reform. AAP/Alan Porritt

Sell the big picture on tax reform: Treasury Secretary

Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson has said that plans for tax reform must highlight medium-term economic payoffs, avoiding the “zero-sum” focus of recent debates, if they are to be successfully sold…
Richard Denniss of the Australia Institute has recommended Labor work with the government to put in some parts of the Direct Action plan. AAP/Alan Porritt

Labor should compromise on Direct Action: Australia Institute chief

The chief executive of the left-leaning Australia Institute think tank, Richard Denniss, has urged Labor to do a deal to implement elements of the government’s controversial direct action climate program…
The Abbott government continues to have difficulty selling its difficult budget message. AAP/David Crosling

New poll hit for Abbott

The Abbott government has slumped back to its post-budget low, trailing Labor 45-55% on a two-party basis, in today’s Newspoll. In results that will strengthen the determination of the new Senate – which…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott today releases the terms of reference for his government’s federalism white paper. AAP/David Crosling

Federation white paper will look at a slimmer role for Canberra

The Abbott government’s strong preference for limiting the role of Canberra and boosting that of the states is a central thrust in the terms of reference for the white paper on reforming the federation…
Former Communications Minister Richard Alston has been elected Liberal federal president. AAP/Julian Smith

Former Howard minister wins Liberal presidency

Former senior Howard government minister Richard Alston has become the new Liberal federal president, after a vote at the party’s federal council tonight. Alston, who was anointed by Prime Minister Tony…
American ambassador John Berry has spoken in support of jailed Australian journalist Peter Greste. AAP/Alan Porritt

United States will stay on the Greste case, Ambassador says

American ambassador John Berry has said the decision against journalist Peter Greste cannot be allowed to stand and pledged the United States will “remain engaged” in trying to resolve the issue. The US…
Motoring Enthusiast Party senator-elect Ricky Muir has reaffirmed his place in the PUP senate voting bloc. AAP/Alan Porritt

Ricky Muir says he will be solid with PUP – usually

Motoring Enthusiast Party senator-elect Ricky Muir has reaffirmed his unity with the Palmer United Party, as Clive Palmer prepares tomorrow to spell out his stands and demands on the government’s carbon…
Queensland farmer Ron Williams has won his High Court case against the school chaplaincy program. AAP/Alan Porritt

High Court torpedoes chaplaincy program – for the second time

The High Court has again ruled unconstitutional the federal funding for school chaplains, casting doubt over the future of a program to which the Abbott government is deeply committed. Queensland father…
Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull is developing proposals for changing the rules governing Australia’s media. AAP/Gary Schafer

Major media outlets retain online dominance

Major media players continue to dominate online news, current affairs and analysis, despite a proliferation of online news content sources, a government report has found. The internet has given established…