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Articles on Donald Trump

Displaying 2361 - 2380 of 3453 articles

Some Americans have fast internet, but many still lag behind – especially in rural areas. BlueRingMedia via

Will Trump and the FCC heal or worsen America’s digital divide?

The Trump administration’s proposed budget suggests it will continue to spend federal dollars on expanding broadband internet access. But the rules governing internet traffic matter too.
People gather outside the White House in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, June 1, 2017, to protest President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate change accord. AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Why is climate change such a hard sell in the US?

While many people are willing to happily gamble with pharmaceuticals, which may offer the most trivial of benefits, they are not ready to believe the facts on climate change.
On June 1, 2017, President Donald Trump announced that he would take the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement, and that he could negotiate a “better deal”. Saul Loeb/AFP

A fair climate deal? Accountability first!

On June 1, Donald Trump announced that he would take the US out of the Paris climate agreement because it was “unfair” to the US. An economic analysis indicates otherwise.
Children hold signs at the C40 Mayors Summit in December 2016. Coalitions of local government are increasingly playing a significant role in combating climate change. REUTERS/Henry Romero

While nations play politics, cities and states are taking up the climate challenge

As the US leaves the Paris accord, how much faith should we put in international treaties? States, cities and local movements are increasingly important players in the fight against climate change.
Pittsburgh, between its industrial past and a clean, green tech-driven future. Dllu

Pittsburgh: A city of two post-industrial tales

Pittsburgh’s post-industrial economic resurgence is promising, a historian of the region writes, but there’s a reason President Trump highlighted the area in his speech exiting the Paris climate deal.
The skyline of Doha, Qatar. Gregory Hawken Kramer

Why have other Gulf states cut ties with Qatar?

Qatar has used its wealth to adopt policies sometimes rivaling Saudi Arabia’s. Think, for example, of the popular Al-Jazeera. Now the Saudis seem determined to limit Qatari influence as much as possible.
Merkel consider her options after meeting with Trump on May 26, 2017, in Italy. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Trump to Europe: You’re on your own

For more than seven decades, US presidents have encouraged peace in Europe. Trump seems eager to toss that legacy aside. Here’s what is at stake.

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