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Articles on Russia

Displaying 1801 - 1820 of 2000 articles

The first casualty of the Russian rouble crisis. Hint: it’s not Bruce Willis.

Bank bailouts begin as Russia faces biggest challenge to date

The dramatic slide in the value of the rouble has claimed its first banking casualty. Trust Bank is being bailed out by the Russian Central Bank to the tune of US$530m. The emergency liquidity line is…
The falling oil price might take some time to translate to lower prices at the bowser. Julian Smith/AAP

The real winners and losers from the falling oil price

While this year’s relative stability in crude oil prices appears to have lulled us into a false sense of security, the dramatic fall over the last few weeks reminds us just how volatile these prices can…
Russian President Putin blamed the West for his country’s economic troubles and collapsing ruble in a news conference. Reuters

Vladimir Putin and Russia’s incredible shrinking ruble

Russia’s currency is in free fall. Since mid-year, the incredible shrinking ruble has lost close to half its value, and it is anyone’s guess how much further it might go. Whatever happens, the geopolitical…
You’ve missed a bit. EPA/Koca Sulejmanovic

End of the line for Russia’s South Stream pipe dream?

After seven years of planning, the South Stream pipeline that would carry gas from Russia to Europe via Bulgaria has been cancelled. After a long-running battle with the EU over the need for the pipeline…
EPA/Sergei Chirikov

Putting the boot in Putin

Sanctions work. Russia’s problems may be manifold and closely related to the precipitous decline in the price of oil, but sanctions have played an important part in bringing Russia to its economic knees…
Will it put Russia in the black or red? Nata789 via Shutterstock

Huge Russian rate hike plays roulette with the economy

Russia’s Central Bank has raised its key interest rate from 10.5% to 17% in an emergency move that is designed to halt the ongoing collapse of the rouble, which has accelerated in recent weeks. The dramatic…
Ukraine is running on empty. EPA/Filip Singer

Can Ukraine’s new technocratic elite make the economy work?

Ten years ago, it was received wisdom in western academic, business and policy circles that Ukraine was an archetypal “captured state” – a state owned and run almost entirely by a small, insecure and fabulously…
Celebrations of Russia’s restored greatness are premature. EPA/Alexander Zemlianichenko

Putin’s patriotism and paranoia will be Russia’s undoing

Whether through improvisation, opportunism, fear or calculation, 2014 has seen a massive shift in the way political authority works in Russia. Moscow has moved dramatically away from a legal-rational way…
A soldier stands guard in Sevastapol, now under Russian control since the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in developments that some fear mark the start of a second Cold War. EPA/Zurab Kurtsikidze

Are Europe and the world slipping back into a second Cold War?

Bloodshed in Europe and the Middle East against the backdrop of a breakdown in the dialogue between major powers is of enormous concern. The world is on the brink of a new Cold War, some are even saying…
Qatar and Russia have been cleared of corruption in their successful World Cup bids. EPA/Walter Bieri

Promises, promises – but FIFA just can’t admit it has a problem

FIFA appears to have cleared Russia and Qatar of any wrongdoing in their successful bids to host the 2018 and 2022 world cups. Its report recognises that mistakes were made but downplays the level of improper…

VIDEO: Michelle Grattan on Jacqui Lambie

University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor Stephen Parker and Michelle Grattan discuss the week in politics including the G20, Russian warships in international waters near Australia, and the tension between…
Leaving Europe behind? Mikhail Metzel/EPA/Ria Novosti

Why Russia isn’t abandoning Europe for Chinese gas revenue

Much has been made of the agreement signed by Moscow and Beijing to get gas flowing from western Siberia to China. There is talk of Russia using the deal to offset its isolation from the west and circumventing…
Russian naval soldiers line up in front of the Russian warship Varyag. EPA/Yun Suk-Bong

Defence monitoring Russian vessels close to Australia

The Defence Department is watching Russian naval vessels that are currently transiting international waters to the north of Australia ahead of the weekend G20 attended by president Vladimir Putin. In the…
Democracy in action in Donetsk. EPA/Alexander Ermochenko

Kiev outraged at Donbas as Ukraine heads for violent partition

Much of the world may regard the elections that took place in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics on November 2 as illegitimate, but there appears to be little political will to avert the most likely…
A woman votes from her hospital bed in Izyum, Kharkiv Oblast. EPA/Sergei Kozlov

Dispatch from Kharkiv: Ukraine votes and steels itself for winter

Ukraine’s snap parliamentary election on October 26 looks set to return a pro-Western parliament to Kiev – setting the country up for a long and tense winter. And while the elections seem to have gone…

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