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Articles sur Apple

Affichage de 341 à 360 de 411 articles

Microsoft is running out of temptations to sell Office software to consumers. Sunfox/Flickr

Apple takes on Microsoft, but Google still the master of ‘free’

With the release of new iPads and Mac hardware, Apple announced that not only would the latest version of the Mac OS, Mavericks, be free, but it would also be giving away its iWork office productivity…
Slimmed down before the Christmas binge. Apple’s latest iPads.

Slim iPad and new hardware show Apple can still innovate

Is it time to reappraise the idea that Apple is incapable of innovation in the post Jobs era? The company has failed to introduce a game changing consumer device since the iPad but its latest range contains…
Many consider manufacturer’s versions of Android to be “bloatware” when compared with what’s available on Google’s own Nexus 4. Janitors via Flickr

Android customisation about to go mainstream

The practice of installing modified versions of the Google Android operating system on other smartphones is about to become mainstream. CyanogenMod, the people behind one of the custom ROMs (as these versions…
Consumers are excited about the launch of the iPhone 5S - but the pricing game means bargains are unlikely. AAP

In the game of iPhone pricing, consumers are the losers

Game theory is a branch of strategic decision making that tries to predict how players in any strategic game are likely to act. It can be applied in many situations and it can also help to explain what…
Not only has the way we look at our mobile devices changed, but they’re starting to look back at us. andres.thor

Apple’s Touch ID: time to come to grips with a touchy subject

Apple’s latest and greatest - the iPhone 5s - met a muted reception last week in San Francisco. Although the device’s admittedly evolutionary-not-revolutionary updates target early adopters and high-end…
New app delivery models could disrupt Apple’s plans. kobiz7

Innovative Apple should watch out for app disruption

The new iPhone 5S features a better camera, a faster processor, a finger-print reader, and much else. These innovations make the iPhone even better than it was before, but it’s still very much an iPhone…
Cheap and cheerful or gold and flashy. You now have a choice. Martin uit Utrecht

Apple plays to the middle market with colourful iPhones

Seasoned Apple watchers will have successfully predicted nearly all the hardware in the two new iPhones that have just been unveiled by CEO Tim Cook in a hotly anticipated presentation. But while one model…
I don’t need one of these, do I? Samsung tomorrow

Scoff now, but you’re probably getting a smartwatch

The tech wars took a major swerve into the leftfield this week. No longer content with updating their phone offerings, companies have come over all James Bond in the hope of hitting upon the next big innovation…
Do we want yet another device – and do we want to wear it on our wrists? Gizmag/Shutterstock

Samsung’s Galaxy Gear: time to move from phablets to wriblets?

With the phablet (smartphone tablet) market getting very full, a new geeky gadget could unleash a rush of enthusiastic buying - and the latest hot topic is smart digital watches. Samsung’s Galaxy Gear…
Unexpected item in bagging area. Tesco is striking out into tablets. ell brown

Will consumers say BOGOF to the Tesco tablet?

When Steve Jobs introduced the iPad in 2010, he argued that unless the device was better at doing everyday tasks than smartphones or netbooks, it wouldn’t deserve to exist. Consumers and corporates embraced…
Samsung and Apple’s lawyers are primed and, as always, battle-ready. Jayel Aheram

Patent Wars on the Pacific Rim, starring Apple and Samsung

By now, we’re surely all aware of the ongoing tussle between Apple and Samsung over patents, given it makes global headlines on a regular basis. So what are we to make of it? The current flashpoint comes…
Nothing says “I care” like a cut-price phone charger. 8+1

Apple shows its soft side with safe charger drive

Apple, known across the world for its premium products, is finally dropping its prices. It may not be a huge offer, but the company is selling half price chargers for iPhones, iPads and iPods to anyone…
In the dock - Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook faces questions by a US Senate committee investigating tax avoidance. AAP

Want to solve global tax problems? Stop taxing corporations

As governments across the globe have struggled with growing government debt, the pressures of austerity and stagnant economic systems, ire has been thrown at the corporate fat cats who - according to the…
The new Apple operating system iOS 7 – still in its beta phase – has a radical new design and hundreds of new features. But with lawsuits erupting seemingly every other day, how do companies like Apple avoid breaching patents? Javier Domínguez Ferreiro

How can Apple’s redesigned iOS 7 avoid the patent wars?

Earlier this month, Apple announced iOS 7, the most recent incarnation of its operating system for mobile and portable devices. According to Apple: iOS 7 is completely redesigned with subtle motion, an…
The US is attempting to combat litigious patent trolls - but is the problem with the patent system itself? AAP

Will Obama’s moves to contain patent trolls be enough?

Patents may have once seemed like a good idea. At least it seemed that way to the Venetians, who in 1474 declared the publication and protection of the “works and devices” of “men of great genius” would…
Tax protests outside a Starbucks in London. But do people really care enough to make a difference? Steve Parsons/PA

Consumers won’t boycott Apple or Google over tax … yet

The tax arrangements of major brands such as Google, Apple and Amazon have prompted a fierce debate over questions of organisational ethics, social justice and international co-operation. But as a consumer…
Companies want you in their “ecosystem” – make no mistake – so should governments offer more protection? TF28 ❘

Smash the machine: digital monopolies have trapped you

The business model of many modern technology companies is to lure people into digital monopolies (or what are sometimes called “ecosystems”) from whence ridiculous profits can be gouged. You see, the internet…

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