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Articles sur Apple

Affichage de 361 à 380 de 411 articles

Samsung has spent more on marketing than Apple, HP, Dell, Microsoft and Cocoa Cola combined. But it hopes to replicate the tendency of people to buy products from their own country when it moves production to the US. AAP

As American as “Apple” pie: how Samsung hopes parochial appeal will pay off in the US

It would be easy to simply attribute the massive rise in Samsung’s popularity to its equally massive spend on marketing. It has been estimated that Samsung spent around $11.5 billion in 2012 on advertising…
No-one knows what the iWatch will look like … or if it even exists. Yrving Torrealba

The iWatch, Dick Tracy and the kitchen sink

If rumours are true about its forthcoming product release - the iWatch - Apple is inadvertently paying homage to the comic strip legend Dick Tracy. The fictional 1940s police detective with the ridiculously…
Research in Motion has reinvented itself as BlackBerry — and has released two new phones to boot — but its smartphone market share will be far from peachy. AAP

A juicy BlackBerry 10 won’t make BlackBerry phones more desirable

Research In Motion (RIM), who as of this week officially changed its name to BlackBerry, has come a long way since its beginnings in Waterloo, Canada in 1984. Started by two engineering students, Mike…
Apple share price has been punished after unveilling disappointing first quarter earnings, but its “cool” status has taken a bigger hit.

No longer a brand apart: getting to the core of Apple’s share price slump

The stockmarket was hoping for great things from Apple’s earnings announcement for the December quarter. Most of all, they were hoping for something that would turn around a four month slide in Apple’s…
Music stores are shutting down across the world as shoppers choose to buy music in a digital format. AAP

The changing sound of (buying and listening to) music

For some, the recent collapse of UK music and DVD retailer HMV is another sign of a music industry undergoing an increasingly rapid and radical transformation to digital. Although this is partly true…
When it comes to IT products, Australian consumers pay more than their American counterparts. AAP

When the price is not right: technology price gouging in Australia

Apple Inc. has often portrayed itself as the champion of consumers, with its advertising campaigns on “1984”, “Think Different”, and “Rip, Mix, Burn”. However, this reputation has been called into question…
Many people are willing to queue for hours for the next iDevice, instead of simply waiting a few days. EPA/Susanna Bates

Hallowed be thy iPad mini – is the cult of Apple eternal?

Earlier today (AEST), Apple announced a range of new products, among them the iPad 4 (just six months after its predecessor) and the new baby in the family: the iPad mini. Pre-orders begin later this week…
Ropey for writing on … but still easy to fall in love with. ebayink

Finger-flicking good: have digital tablets become essential?

The onward march of digital tablets looks incontestable. Tablets are now threatening sales of personal computers in K-12 education in the USA. And the forthcoming launch of a new kiddie-tablet called Tabeo…
Replacing Google Maps with Apple Maps has not been without its hiccups. Bert Kaufmann

Get lost: is Apple Maps on a road to nowhere?

Mapping and navigation is at the heart of how we use smartphones today. By extension, the Apple Maps app is at the heart of iOS 6. And so Apple’s decision to swap Google Maps for Apple Maps in its new…
Will Apple’s Passbook succeed where so many other digital wallet ventures have failed? Image from

Will Apple’s Passbook be a pocket rocket in the digital wallet wars?

You might not realise it, but there is a virtual queue of organisations snaking around you just waiting to make you more valuable than you actually are. Your spending patterns, loyalty program memberships…
The new iPhone is longer, thinner and lighter than previous versions. EPA/Yonhap

iPhone 5 launch reveals few surprises … but will it matter?

As had long been predicted, Apple today (AEST) announced the launch of the iPhone 5. The famously secretive Apple had sprung many leaks over the past few months, despite claiming it would be doubling down…
Samsung is a major player in technologies that will deliver future telecommunications services. Robert Schlesinger/EPA

Sorry, Apple: Samsung is winning the war on 4G platforms

In light of the much-publicised dispute over handset design patents between Apple and Samsung, many commentators have cast Samsung as the “fast-follower”, while Apple is pushing at the frontier of innovation…
Should we learn to expect more from our personal robot assistants? Warner Bros.

Will Siri ever dream of electric sheep?

The idea of a personal robot assistant, able to effortlessly understand spoken (and unspoken) human intents and efficiently act on them while delivering a breezy quip, has been a staple of science fiction…
Google Drive has been launched in an already clouded marketplace.

Dropbox and SkyDrive work – so why do we need Google Drive?

In late April, Google announced, in a relatively low-key post on the official company blog, the existence of Google Drive. The service, which has been the subject of rumours and enthusiastic chatter in…
Fetishes come in many forms, and often in small packages. MildlyDiverting

Eau de MacBook Pro takes ‘unboxing porn’ to a new level

If you’re reading this, Apple thanks you. So does the Air Aroma scent marketing company and the Australian artist collective Greatest Hits. They’re thanking you for the free advertising supplied by this…
Hackers with a commercial eye seem intent on destroying Apple’s reputation as a “malware-free” PC alternative. Mike Poresky

Think your Mac’s beyond malware attack? Alas, those days are gone

For a long time Mac users would look at all the malware (malicious software) that infects Windows PCs and think how fortunate they were that such attacks did not happen to MAcs. But now, it would seem…
After success in Europe and the US, subscription-based music streaming service, Spotify is launching in Australia. Could it be a musical saviour? Flickr/capsun

Spotify: saviour of the music industry?

International music provider Spotify is preparing for its launch into the Australian market later this year. As a subscription-based streaming service, the success of the Stockholm-based Spotify across…
Apple will pay a dividend to shareholders for the first time since 1995, as it considers how to spend its amassed warchest. AAP

How to spend $100 billion: Apple announces dividend, buyback plans

Apple today announced it would pay its first shareholder dividends in almost 20 years, marking a distinct break from the late Steve Jobs’ “no dividends” policy. The world’s biggest corporation by market…

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