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Artículos sobre Africa

Mostrando 501 - 520 de 1004 artículos

Many parts of Africa suffer from food insecurity. Here, women and children wait to be registered before a food distribution. REUTERS/Siegfried Modola

I fight anti-GMO fears in Africa to combat hunger

Predictions suggest that Africa will suffer dramatic losses of crops and productive land as the climate warms. Perhaps adopting GM crops designed to tolerate stress can save the continent from famine.
Turkish people in Ankara attempting to stop a military coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on July 16, 2016. AP Photo

No coups occurred in 2018. Will next year be so stable?

2018 is on track to become only the second coup-free year in a century. Coup risk is way down worldwide, thanks to growing political stability in Latin America. Africa has the highest risk of coup.

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