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Artículos sobre Child sexual abuse

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 90 artículos

Coming together with Elders and other community members helped survivors feel connected. It also gave them hope.

‘My mob is telling their story and it makes me feel good’: here’s what Aboriginal survivors of child sexual abuse told us they need

Many Aboriginal survivors of sexual abuse find mainstream counselling inappropriate. But there is a way to help them heal that respects a collective culture, with strong community ties.
David Crosling/AAP

Media Files: Investigative reporter Louise Milligan on Cardinal Pell and redactions in the Royal Commission’s report

Investigative reporter Louise Milligan on Cardinal Pell and redactions in the Royal Commission’s report The Conversation55,2 MB (download)
When the royal commission handed down its massive report in late 2017, several sections were redacted until after any legal proceedings against Cardinal Pell were concluded.

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