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Artículos sobre Consent

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 100 artículos

Sexual extortion occurs when an individual is coerced, deceived or pressured into having their sexual or nude photos or videos released online unless they provide money or additional sexual images. (Shutterstock)

Protecting kids online: A guide for parents on conversations about ‘sextortion’

The tragic case of a 12-year-old boy who experienced sextortion highlights the importance of practical advice for parents on having conversations about sex, sextortion and healthy device habits.
Even though most people — including health-care professionals — are familiar with the term ‘blue balls,’ there is surprisingly little research on this phenomenon. (Shutterstock)

‘Blue balls’: There’s no evidence they’re harmful, and they shouldn’t be used to pressure partners into sex

The pain of ‘blue balls’ should never be used as a coercive tactic. But almost half of study participants — mostly women and some men — reported pressure to engage sexually.

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