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Artículos sobre Dating

Mostrando 101 - 115 de 115 artículos

© Warner Brothers

How not to be single

A new film claims to empower women’s singledom – but it’s just another old-fashioned rehash.
Professor Lee Berger from the University of the Witwatersrand holding the skull of Homo Naledi. EPA/Shiraaz Mohamed

Homo naledi may be two million years old (give or take)

The big question being asked is: where does Homo naledi fit in the evolutionary tree? Assessing the similarity or dissimilarity between fossil skulls has provided a possible clue to the answer.
Despite criticism from the Chinese government, which claims it espouses “the wrong values”, the popularity of dating show If You Are The One continues unabated. SBS Television

If You Are The One and The Bachelor know how to get to us: we all fear dying alone

The Chinese dating show If You Are the One has a domestic audience of 50 million, and a cult following in Australia. It seems harsher than shows such as The Bachelor – but is it really all that different?
The skull of Homo naledi is built like those of early Homo species but its brain was just more than half the size of the average ancestor from 2 million years ago. SUPPLIED

Homo naledi: determining the age of fossils is not an exact science

Despite claims about its age, puzzling combinations of features from Homo naledi gives it an uncanny resemblance to human beings.

Why MOOCs will fail – they’re not dating sites

One of my Phd students is studying how parents make decisions about education for their children (you can participate in his survey here). We economists treat this as a problem of investment under uncertainty…

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