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Artículos sobre Dating

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 115 artículos

It’s likeness that makes the heart grow fonder. Zediajaab

No, opposites do not attract

It’s a classic adage for those seeking love. The problem is that psychology research shows it’s just not true.
The act of spending money to impress others is a signal of resources to potential mates. Having resources is a valued trait by females. (Shamim Nakhai/Unsplash)

What your profile pic says about you in the Tinder age

Dating apps have changed the way people present themselves. Visual cues and short 100 word bios are the new currency of dating.

Why opposites rarely attract

Most of us tend to be attracted to people who are similar to ourselves. But there’s an important exception to this rule.
Bestie + Lover = Relationship Nirvana? Aspa

Why you should date your best friend

Looking for a lifelong Valentine? Psychologists suggest taking a closer look at your best friend. The things we want in a good friend are many of the same things we expect from a romantic partner.
The end of an era? Irina Braga/Shutterstock

Is feminism killing romance?

Ever wondered what it would be like to date in a completely gender-equal world? The answer may surprise you.
Tattoo do you do? Inkings can be perceived as a sign of health. Shutterstock

The science of naked attraction

Channel 4’s new programme took dating shows in a ‘bold’ new direction. But what can nakedness reveal about a potential partner?

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