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Artículos sobre Ecosystems

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 251 artículos

Opportunities to help drive the energy transition are everywhere - even in Western Australia’s remote salt pans. Peter C. Doherty

We have so many ways to pursue a healthy climate – it’s insane to wait any longer

Nobel Prizewinning health researcher Peter Doherty reflects on the challenge of delivering a healthy climate for the world. From hydrogen power to wooden skyscrapers, the options are endless, but all require leadership.
2016’s warm winter meant not enough snow for the start of the Iditarod sled dog race in Anchorage, so it was brought by train from 360 miles north. AP/Rachel D'Oro

In Alaska, everyone’s grappling with climate change

For everyone from traditional hunters to the military, the National Park Service to the oil industry, climate change is the new reality in Alaska. Government, residents and businesses are all trying to adapt.
The dingo, Australia’s largest mammalian carnivore, has a broad diet that varies across the continent. Judy Dunlop

Dingo dinners: what’s on the menu for Australia’s top predator?

A survey of 32,000 samples of dingo droppings and stomach contents reveal that this predator’s appetite is as wide-ranging as Australia’s landscapes. But medium and large mammals are top of the menu.
Wetlands can have decades-long dry periods. Felicity Burke/The Conversation

Why a wetland might not be wet

Wetlands in Australia are often dry. They may look unassuming but it’s a vital part of their vibrant lifecycle.
Oysters can do a lot more than they’re given credit for.

The surprising benefits of oysters (and no, it’s not what you’re thinking)

Oysters aren’t just good for a feed. They also give a vital boost to coastal ecosystems, which is why efforts are underway to restore Australia’s once-abundant oyster reefs to their former glory.

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