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Artículos sobre Eurozone

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 233 artículos

Protests rocked Athens as Greek legislators voted to accept a tough austerity package. So what now for the Greek people? AAP

Austerity in, Euro out – is this Greece’s future?

As Greek politicians approved a tough austerity package amid fierce protests, one question dominates: is an orderly exit from the Eurozone available for Greece? And just what might be the consequences…
French leftists protest after Standard & Poor’s downgraded the country’s debt on Friday. AAP

After France’s downgrade, Europe’s debt cycle looks hard to break

Standard & Poor’s decision to downgrade the credit ratings of nine Eurozone countries, including Austria, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, is another symptom of the contagious and vicious debt cycle…
British Prime Minister David Cameron had no choice but to reject the EU plan and was right to do so. AAP

Why Cameron can’t afford to get fiscal with the EU

Last week’s EU Brussels summit produced a tentative fiscal compact, a mild boost of the European Financial Stability Facility’s (EFSF) reserves to €500 billion, and an acrimonious split between Britain…
Despite happy appearances, the two leaders disagree the way out of the Eurozone crisis. AAP

A make-or-break week: Can Sarkozy and Merkel save the euro?

What could be a decisive week for Europe and its common currency has begun, with the announcement of a package of fiscal austerity measures in Italy. Markets, European partners, and – perhaps above all…
The European Central Bank needs to start buying more bonds from Eurozone countries. Images_of_Money

With Italy stagnant, it’s time for drastic Euro intervention

The departure of Silvio Berlusconi does not seem to have eased the pressure on Italy, with reports suggesting the International Monetary Fund is reading a 600 billion euro emergency bailout for the Eurozone’s…
The eurozone crisis is moving beyond “spendthrift” countries in need of rescue, to the rescuers themselves. AAP

Heart of darkness – entering the Eurozone’s end game

Early this week, sovereign bonds spreads for France and other Euro-core countries peaked. Around noon on Tuesday the spreads on French and Austrian 10-year government bonds exceeded the German bund rate…
Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy must take drastic steps to maintain the legitimacy of EU institutions. AAP

It’s time for Europe to show some courage

The European Union is in crisis – yet again. If you enter “Europe in crisis” into Google, more than 655 million entries pop up. Europe’s current problems are being described as a Euro crisis – it is a…
Former EU commissioner Mario Monti will form government in Italy as Silvio Berlusconi exits. AAP

Here come the technocrats, to save the Eurozone

Is the Eurozone about to crash and burn, leaving Club Med in its wake? Not so fast. Reports have suggested that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have discussed a strategic…
Italy’s debt woes will not disappear after Berlusconi finally steps down. AAP

As the Eurozone teeters, Italy has no time to waste

Global markets have tumbled in the past 24 hours on fears over Italy’s worsening debt crisis, with media reports that Germany and France have begun talks to break up the Eurozone if the monetary union’s…
Berlusconi’s resignation is one step towards solving Italy’s debt crisis – but many more are needed. AAP

Berlusconi’s going, but there’s no Silvio bullet for Italy’s debt

Italy’s sovereign debt crisis has been overshadowed by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s reluctant promise to resign after the country’s parliament made clear he no longer commanded a majority. Italy…
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou will use the referendum to try to win a mandate for austerity measures. AAP

Pain or more pain? The political gamble behind Greece’s debt referendum

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has taken the bold step of planning a referendum on the country’s EU-imposed austerity measures, in a bid to claim a mandate for his efforts to avoid a default on…

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