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Artículos sobre Extinction Rebellion

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 54 artículos

NASA ‘could not imagine the radical effect of seeing the Earth’ from the moon. In the face of a climate catastrophe, we all need to step back and see the Earth again. Bill Anders/NASA/Handout

Friday essay: thinking like a planet - environmental crisis and the humanities

Historical perspective can offer much in this time of ecological crisis,. Many historians are reinventing their traditional scales of space and time to tell different kinds of stories that recognise the unruly power of nature.
Extinction Rebellion protesters have faced harsh bail conditions, typically reserved for bikie gang members. Dave Hunt/AAP

VIDEO: Michelle Grattan on the Extinction Rebellion protests - and Australia’s responsibility at the Turkish-Syrian border

Deep Saini and Michelle Grattan discuss the acts of civil disobedience by climate activist group Extinction Rebellion, and consider what Australia’s responsibility is in the Turkey-Syria conflict.

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