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Artículos sobre #feesmustfall

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 114 artículos

South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa needs to formulate a long term strategy for economic growth with an eye on the 2019 elections. GCIS

South Africa: Ramaphosa administration lacks a long-term perspective

Both the state of the nation address and budget speech didn’t leave a sense that there has been much reflection on the depth of the economic malaise gripping South Africa.
The Rhodes Must Fall movement accused the University of Cape Town of having blood on its hands for investing in the mining company Lonmin. Ian Barbour/flickr

South African universities need to rethink how they invest their millions

Universities have the power to transform society not just through how they operate their campuses, but also through how they invest their endowments and pensions funds.
South Africa needs reflective leadership at its universities. Brett Atherstone/flickr

The end of South African universities?

Former vice-chancellor Jonathan Jansen argues that there is no future for South African universities.
Portrait of Miriam Tlali as part of Adrian Steirn’s 21 Icons South Africa project. Date: 15.10.2014. Adrian Steirn/Courtesy of 21 Icons South Africa

Rest in power, Miriam Tlali: author, enemy of apartheid and feminist

Author Miriam Tlali was an intersectional feminist long before this term was coined or its politics made fashionable in South Africa by student movements.
Demonstrators march against corruption in Cape Town. South Africa has some way to go to plug a public accountability deficit. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

South Africa has work to do to make government more accountable

South Africa’s end of term report at the helm of the Open Government Partnership shows that it failed to meet key targets it set for itself. But it also shows improvements in some areas.

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