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Artículos sobre Geneva Conventions

Mostrando 41 - 58 de 58 artículos

Humanitarian agencies are often thrust into the heart of contentious crises without easy or quick solutions. The Houthis accused the WFP of giving out expired food assistance. The UN agency delivers monthly rations or money to 10.2 million people of Yemen's 26-million population. EPA-EFE/YAHYA ARHAB

Comply or leave: the dilemma facing humanitarian agencies

When humanitarian agencies are obliged to stop operations by political decision or because of huge physical insecurity, the poorest and most vulnerable succumb first through starvation and disease.
Ethiopian refugees, who fled fighting in Tigray, receive snacks at a Sudanese border reception centre in November 2020. Photo by ASHRAF SHAZLY/AFP via Getty Images

The legal implications of humanitarian aid blockades

If a country refuses, or blocks, humanitarian aid this act violates international law.
Demonstration in Montecitorio Square, Rome, Italy, on November 12, 2020 calling for the end of the government’s military actions in the northern region of Tigray. Photo by Andrea Ronchini/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Did Ethiopia’s attack on Tigray violate international laws?

Providers of humanitarian aid haven’t been able to reach civilians in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. There are also reports that hundreds of civilians have been killed.
It was defoliants, seen here during Operation Ranch Hand in the Vietnam War, that prompted action to protect the environment during conflicts. National Museum of the US Air Force

Environmental destruction is a war crime, but it’s almost impossible to fall foul of the laws

A group of scientists want a new Geneva Convention to safeguard the environment during wars and conflicts. We already have such rules, but they’re inadequate, inconsistent and unclear.
Glimpses of horror: while the West watches, Syria burns. SIcco2007

Syrians suffer as world plays politics with humanitarian aid

The humanitarian crisis in Syria is no longer news. It is simple fact: tragedy writ large, as cities burn and lives are ruined. Our eyes may widen at the sheer scale of this destruction: four million people…
Barrier to peace: Israeli settlements occupy 40% of the land area of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Creative Commons

US is the real obstacle to peace between Israel and Palestine

United States secretary of state John Kerry is in the Middle East this week. Among other tasks, he is attempting to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. Undoubtedly, Israel’s recent approval…

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