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Artículos sobre Genome

Mostrando 121 - 140 de 193 artículos

Only one Canadian researcher has ever received the Nobel Prize for medicine, for the discovery of insulin in 1923. And yet Canadians have been essential to developments in stem cell research, gene sequencing and treatments for cancer and brain trauma. (Shutterstock)

Why can’t Canada win another Nobel Prize in medicine?

Only one Canadian has ever received the Nobel Prize for medicine, in 1923. But Canadian discoveries have been essential to stem cell research, gene sequencing and treatments for cancer.
Rey (Daisy Ridley), in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, ponders the light and dark sides of the Force. (Handout)

The Force of biology is strong in Star Wars

Star Wars: The Last Jedi leaves many questions about the saga in a galaxy far, far away unanswered. Fortunately, biology may offer a insights on the Force, midi-chlorians, clones, and Rey’s lineage.
A scientist works with DNA samples in a New Orleans laboratory in 2011. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

You’ve got your DNA kit: Now what can you do with it?

The rapid growth of genetic testing and data-gathering could revolutionize health and medicine if governments work to protect people against privacy and societal risks.
African Americans are being misdiagnosed with the heart condition (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) that caused the sudden death of basketball player Hank Gathers (pictured left with teammate Bo Kimble) in 1990. Lack of ethnic diversity in genomic databases is a big part of the reason for these misdiagnoses. (AP Photo/Douglas C. Pizac, File)

How the genomics health revolution is failing ethnic minorities

Genome sequencing is transforming the way we diagnose disease. But lack of diversity in genomic data means only some Canadians will benefit from this revolutionary technology.
If we could test the genome of all Australians we could better target preventive health campaigns. from

Why we should test everyone’s genes to predict disease

If you could take a test that would reveal the diseases you and your family might be more likely to get, would you want to do it?
The genetics of Indonesian people are a mix between different groups of humans. from

Tracing the origin of Indonesian people through genetics

I try to learn who are the ancestors of Indonesian people through genetics. The genetics of Indonesian people are a mix between different groups of humans.
Scientists are using a powerful gene editing technique to understand how human embryos develop. shutterstock

Genome editing of human embryos broadens ethics discussions

A new gene editing experiment explores human development. With this comes new ethical questions: How do scientists acquire embryos and how are their projects approved?
Controversial gene editing should not proceed without citizen input and societal consensus. (Shutterstock)

Human genome editing: We should all have a say

A team in the U.S. is said to have safely and effectively altered human embryos. The news is a reminder that citizens must be consulted on developments potentially affecting the future of the species.
Male scientists dominate labs, often with little to no female representation in the work or research subjects. Shutterstock

Sex matters: Male bias in the lab is bad science

Research laboratories are dominated by men, and that’s not only bad for lab culture, it can be dangerous for science.
Laboratory mice are among the first animals to have their diseases treated by CRISPR. tiburi via

CRISPR controversy raises questions about gene-editing technique

A new research paper reports dangerous side effects in CRISPR-edited mice. Some scientists are pushing back, placing blame for the unwanted mutations on the experiment, not the technique.

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