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Artículos sobre Georgia (US state)

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 65 artículos

Ransomware attacks often strike local government computer systems, which poses a challenge for protecting elections. PRImageFactory/iStock via Getty Images

Ransomware can interfere with elections and fuel disinformation – basic cybersecurity precautions are key to minimizing the damage

A ransomware attack on election-related government computers in a Georgia county raises the specter of more disruptions for Election Day voting and vote tabulation.
Because male migrants earn more money to send back home than females, families in some post-communist countries are strongly tempted to use sex-selective abortion to improve their lives. Johann Walter Bantz/Unsplash

Breeding young men for export in poor countries

Breeding young men for export has never been a successful economic development strategy. Policies that improve local labour market opportunities could increase the status of women.
Civil rights organizations have sued Georgia’s Republican secretary of state for failing to register 53,000 new voters, most of them black. Reuters/Christopher Aluka Berry

Georgia election fight shows that black voter suppression, a southern tradition, still flourishes

Georgia’s secretary of state has stalled voter registrations and accused Democrats of hacking. His tactics recall past efforts in the South to suppress black votes, from poll taxes to literacy tests
Hurricane Irma caused major damage to Naples and other Florida cities. AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

5 ways to stretch your disaster relief dollars

The desire to help during emergencies like Hurricane Irma is admirable. Doing some homework might make your contributions go farther.

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