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Artículos sobre Ghana

Mostrando 421 - 440 de 547 artículos

Andrew Foster with students from the boarding school for deaf children at Mampong-Akwapim, Ghana, about 1961. Courtesy of Gallaudet University Archives

Sign language needs policy protection in Ghana

Ghana urgently needs an official Ghanaian Sign Language (GSL) policy. Such a move has the potential to humanize education for people who are Deaf and alleviate the linguistic discrimination they face.
In certain communities in Benin, Togo and Ghana, young virgin girls are sent to atone for their family’s wrongdoing. Linda De Volder/Flickr

Girls in West Africa offered into sexual slavery as ‘wives of gods’

Trokosi is an ancient practice in West Africa where virgin girls, some as young as six are sent as slaves to make amends for wrongs committed by their families.

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