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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

Mostrando 2281 - 2300 de 3376 artículos

Houston’s Interstate Highway 45 was totally submerged in the deluge. REUTERS/Richard Carson

Is Hurricane Harvey a harbinger for Houston’s future?

The unpredictability of hurricanes makes it hard to say for sure whether climate change is making them worse. But we do know that sea-level rise and increased evaporation will worsen the impacts.
At a memorial honouring the victims of the recent Spanish terrorist attacks, a family embraces a Barcelona policeman who helped them during the mayhem. (AP Photo/Santi Palacios, File)

How the European Union is making major strides fighting terrorism

Despite the recent terrorist attacks in Spain, the European Union has dramatically improved its counterterrorism efforts. Here’s how.
The tropical dry forest characteristic of Colombia’s Montes de Maria region has all but disappeared. Felipe Villegas, Instituto Humboldt

Healing Colombia’s war-ravaged landscapes

As Colombia seeks to rebuild after fifty years of armed conflict, an emerging conservationist movement is linking lasting peace to healthy habitats.
The smell of daffodils is a treat for most people, but some cannot experience the joy because they have lost their sense of smell. Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko/

Can you pass this smell test?

Our senses of taste and smell are linked to one another in ways that experts are continuing to explore. See if you can answer some questions for which experts have discovered some surprising answers.
Exxon funded climate scientists while the bulk of its public-facing advertorials argued the science and cause of climate change was uncertain. AP Photo/Mark Humphrey

I was an Exxon-funded climate scientist

A new study confirms what many already know: Exxon for years sowed uncertainty and doubt about climate change in the public. Should scientists reject certain funding sources?
Members of the Black Bloc light flares as riot police arrive during a street protest against the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, in July. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)

How Black Blocs have changed protest movements around the world

Black Blocs sprung from an anarchist movement in western Germany. Anti-capitalism and anti-government, the original Black Blocs marched against nuclear energy and neo-Nazis.
Bangladesh is located in a river delta, making it both fertile and extremely vulnerable to disasters. In 2007, cyclone Sidr destroyed parts of this low-lying Bangladeshi island. UNU-EHS/Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson

Facing disasters: lessons from a Bangladeshi island

Why don’t people evacuate their homes when warned of impending storm danger? To save lives, resiliency plans must understand how locals in climate-vulnerable places assess risk.
The analysis of large amounts of ice from Antarctica’s Taylor Valley has helped scientists to tease apart the natural and human-made sources of the potent greenhouse gas methane. Hinrich Schaefer

Antarctic ice reveals that fossil fuel extraction leaks more methane than thought

Analysis of 12,000-year-old Antarctic ice reveals that methane leaks from fossil fuel extraction play a larger role than previously thought.

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