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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

Mostrando 2321 - 2340 de 3376 artículos

The city of Dortmund is seeking citizens’ input on plans for this 44-hectare brownfield site of Hoesch Spundwand und Profil in Dortmund. Robing Chang

How ‘temporary urbanism’ can transform struggling industrial towns

Pop-up parks and tiny houses are just a few of the innovative solutions that can help post-industrial cities across Europe and North America adapt to the future.
India’s tricolour (which actually has four colours) hides a complex subaltern history that originates with Mahatma Gandhi. Adam Jones/Flickr

Minority histories of the Indian national flag

As India celebrates its independence, the flag is on full display, but few people know about the complex origins of this ubiquitous national symbol.
The return of European brown bears to the Alps means that humans must learn about cohabitation. Alexas Fotos/Pixabay

How to live with bears

Bear-man conflicts have made news in the Alps but history tells a story of a possible cohabitation.
Phone manufacturers, like the Dutch company Fairphone, require suppliers of raw materials used in their phones to improve employment conditions for their workers. Mike Hutchings/Reuters

What businesses can do to stamp out slavery in their supply chains

Businesses can use their purchasing power to change the actions of their suppliers and help to eradicate slavery - both in Australia and across the world.
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro (center) attends a graduation of National Armed Forces. Miraflores Palace/Handout via REUTERS

How much longer will Maduro’s grip on power last? Look to the military

The loyalty of Venezuela’s soldiers is getting shaky. History shows from the Arab Spring to Latin American coups, when the military withdraws support for a leader, a fall from power is imminent.
Household air pollution in Nairobi is primarily driven by fuels burnt for cooking and lighting. EPA/Dai Kurakawa

Invisible and ignored: air pollution inside the homes of Nairobi’s residents

Research in Kenya’s capital found average levels of hazardous solid and liquid particles in the air within households were three times more than the WHO recommended maximum level.
Monarch caterpillars feeding on milkweed leaves and dropping their faces (taken in the laboratory facility). Prayan Pokharel

The hidden secrets of insect poop

Bugs use their own defecation to defend their young, locate their homes and increase mating opportunities. For humans, insect faeces may even have untapped medicinal properties.

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