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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

Mostrando 2241 - 2260 de 3376 artículos

Soil has many secrets: technology can help reveal its mysteries. Martin Bridgen

Open soil science: technology is helping us discover the mysteries under our feet

Mapping the soil with open source application is vital to understanding how to protect it.
A photograph of Penn Station’s interior from the 1930s. Bernice Abbott

Remembering America’s lost buildings

We asked five architecture experts to name one building or structure they wish had been preserved, but couldn’t resist the tides of decay, development and discrimination.
An Egyptian farmer tries to irrigate his land with water from a well. Reuters/Mohamed Abd El Ghany

North Africa and the Middle East’s worsening water crisis

At present, the Middle East and North African region contains 7% of the world’s population but only has access to 1.5% of its renewable freshwater supply through rainfall.
Cutting off the Maduro regime’s cash flow won’t help the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, where hunger, poverty and sickness are deepening the nation’s plunge into chaos. AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos

Venezuela: Why Trump’s sanctions won’t work

New US sanctions against Venezuela deliver a clear condemnation of the Maduro regime’s authoritarian maneuvering but overlook two key problems: Russian meddling and the humanitarian crisis.
A photographer’s rendition of the neo-Nazi milk fetish. Milk has been a symbol for Nazis for decades. (Livonia Stronk/Imgur)

Milk, a symbol of neo-Nazi hate

The U.S.-based white supremacist movement that calls itself the “alt-right” has recently embraced milk as a symbol.
Make it longer than 12 characters! selinofoto/

Choose better passwords with the help of science

Recent federal changes to password-strength guidelines echo the findings of research we’ve been doing. It’s time to think differently about what makes a password secure.
Harvard’s recent CRISPR experiment isn’t just a new frontier for science – it’s also a new take on how we conceive of human history. gopixa/

Will whoever controls gene editing control historical memory?

The CRISPR gene-editing technique raises new questions about how we measure time and conceptualise history. Here, a cultural theorist takes on the philosophical side of this scientific breakthrough.

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