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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

Mostrando 2481 - 2500 de 3376 artículos

Phoenix Lake, Dortmund’s coolest new quarter, was once an abanonded steel mill surrounded by polluted waterways and brownfields. Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0) (], via Wikimedia Commons

Redesigning the rust belt: an old German steel region gets a mindful modern makeover

A former industrial region in the heart of Germany is slowly reinventing itself for the 21st century, offering urban planning lessons for Detroit and beyond.
Be careful! In Uttar Pradesh, the cow trade is now almost wholly criminalised. Jitendra Prakash/Reuters

‘Cow economics’ are killing India’s working class

A crackdown on the beef and leather trades has put hundreds of thousands of Indian Muslims and Dalits out of work, vexing already-tense religious relations and hurting India’s economy.
The Mummy, in its 2017 rendition, rehashes an 80-year-old franchise focused on revived Egyptian corpses. AlloCine

Why we love (and fear) mummies

Mummies are scary but they also fascinate us, giving us the feeling that we can vanquish time by preserving our most perishable feature: flesh.
Master Mansions today. From Fourthwall Books’ ‘Master Mansions’ (2017) by Mark Lewis and Tanya Zack. Mark Lewis/ Fourthwall Books

Keeping your hat on in Jo'burg: changing times of an Indian migrant milliner

Apartheid was to officially end in 1994. So was the fashion of wearing hats as the formalities of business, church and leisure gave way to the informality of urban equality.
Refugees or migrants? When it comes to children who cross international borders without papers, there’s no easy answer. Stoyan Nenov/Reuters

Refugee or migrant? Sometimes the line is blurred

There are refugees, there are migrants and then there are the millions of people who live in legal limbo because they defy easy categorisation. But everyone is just looking for a place to call home.

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