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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

Mostrando 2541 - 2560 de 3376 artículos

Truong Tan’s catalogue for his first solo exhibition in 1994 documents his tentative exploration of performance art and frequent use of ropes. Photo by Truong Tan used with permission.

The pioneering queer artists who opened Vietnam to gay culture

LGBT rights are a work in progress in Vietnam. But artists are in the vanguard of the movement, pushing for public acceptance.
‘Pulse of Europe’ supporters hold banners before a meeting between Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron on May 15 2017 in Berlin. Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters

Populism is still a threat to Europe — here’s how to contain it

Even if populist movements have been turned back in a few European elections, populism is not going to disappear. The EU needs a strategy to contain it.
Some 13 people ‘disappear’ in Mexico every day, and the country is on track to record 30,000 homicides this year. Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters

Is Mexico actually the world’s second most murderous nation?

A controversial report claims that Mexico is more violent than Afghanistan and Yemen. It’s wrong on the details but right that Mexico is, in effect, a war zone.
A woman votes in Zambia. Beyond multi-party systems and regular elections, many countries resemble very little of true democracies. GovernmentZA/Flickr

Democracy is looking sickly across southern Africa

Democracy is in a parlous state in many countries in southern Africa. Autocrats hold onto power, while electorates have little to choose from at the polls.
Spanish activists protest against retailers using factories in a building in Bangladesh which collapsed, killing more than 600 people. Reuters/Albert Gea

How divestment campaigns can change the rules in a profit-driven world

“Shaming campaigns” have been successful in attracting attention to transnational issues like inhumane working conditions and environmental degradation. But shaming guilty corporations is only the first step.
A Muslim bride waits to take vows that could be instantly broken via SMS. Danish Siddiqui /Reuters

Muslim ‘instant divorce’ law divides India

India’s Supreme Court could soon rule to abolish “triple talaq”, a practice that allows Muslim men to divorce their wives instantaneously and discriminates against women.

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