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Artículos sobre Gun laws

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 83 artículos

Victorian senator Bridget McKenzie was one of two Nationals to cross the floor in support of a motion to disallow the import ban on the Adler lever-action shotgun. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Nationals buck government line on Adler

Two Nationals crossed the floor and four others failed to vote on a motion from Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm to disallow the import ban on the Adler lever-action shotgun.
After Question Time on Thursday Tony Abbott made a personal explanation to the House outlining the background to the Adler shotgun ban. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull and Abbott in conflict over deal on sunset clause

Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott are sharply at odds over Abbott’s denial of knowledge about a 2015 deal to insert a sunset clause on the import ban of a shotgun.
Malcolm Turnbull was still trying to gain control of the gun issue in Question Time. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull walks right into Shorten’s gun-sight

The government has a new buzzword. In the partyroom on Tuesday Malcolm Turnbull and Barnaby Joyce urged the troops to make the Coalition’s policies “tactile”. In less-fancy terminology, what they mean…
The 1996 National Firearms Agreement dramatically raised standards by imposing minimum requirements drawing on the best elements in the existing laws and on the recommendations of a series of expert inquiries. AAP/Joe Castro

Australia’s gun laws save lives – but are we now going backwards?

After the Port Arthur massacre, Australia had the most comprehensive reform of firearm laws anywhere in the world. But a creeping complacency now jeopardises public safety.
A killer’s use of TEC-9 assault pistols convinced Californians to repeal immunity for gunmakers. Then Congress overruled them. Reuters

It’s time to repeal the gun industry’s exceptional legal immunity

Finding solutions for what happened in San Bernardino is a challenge, but ensuring gunmakers behave responsibly should be one piece of the puzzle.
A woman sits on a curb at the scene of a shooting on the Las Vegas Strip, Monday, Oct. 2, 2017, in Las Vegas. AP Photo/John Locher

Six things to know about mass shootings in America

In the wake of the tragedy in Las Vegas, a criminologist reviews recent research to dispel common misconceptions about mass shootings.

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