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Artículos sobre Haiti

Mostrando 101 - 115 de 115 artículos

A sailor walking among African captives in the hold of a slave ship. From the book Revelations of a Slave Smuggler published in 1860. Shutterstock

The story of East Africa’s role in the transatlantic slave trade

The Portuguese slave ship São José, which sank off Cape Town, was one of many vessels that either rounded the Cape or pulled into Table Bay for refreshment during the Transatlantic slave trade.
A new collection of essays explores the role of books in founding and dismantling The British empire. Shutterstock

The books that shaped the rise and fall of the British empire

Books have active political lives. They inspire social movements and bind people together. Books can stand as short-hand symbols for larger galaxies of ideas.
The road to recovery is a long one for Nepal, which goes beyond the immediate priority of disaster relief. Diego Azubel/AAP

Quake recovery can leverage change of lasting benefit to Nepal

Politics in Nepal will hinder relief and recovery efforts following the earthquake and its aftershocks. But look at it the other way around. Could the disaster help to resolve political problems?
In the wake of the Nepal earthquake it’s important people don’t rush in to “rescue” kids who might not in fact be orphaned. AAP

Earthquake orphans: what Nepal can learn from Haiti

Following the earthquake in 2010, people flocked to Haiti to “rescue” orphaned and lost children. The problem that has since emerged is that many of the “orphans” placed in orphanages and sent for adoption, were not orphaned at all.
International businesses thrive on Haitian labour. EPA

A new government in Haiti, but foreign interest still rules

Former dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier may be dead and buried, but real democracy remains a very distant prospect in Haiti. After ongoing failures to hold elections that should have taken place…
Don’t drink the water. EPA/Marco Dormino/UN

Haitian cholera victims could soon bring the UN to court

In October 2010, a cholera outbreak began in Haiti for the first time in more than 100 years. The strain that was brought into Haiti has been traced to a region in Nepal from which a UN peacekeeping contingent…
Haiti is now one of the most mapped developing countries. RIBI Image Library

Natural disasters put Haiti and Philippines on the map

In the developed world where many people happily post their current locations on Facebook and can look up the exact locations of buildings online, it is often overlooked how poor locational information…

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