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Artículos sobre Human rights

Mostrando 861 - 880 de 1011 artículos

Farm workers tend to a tobacco crop in Zimbabwe in 2014. The push to establish a business and human rights treaty is fraught with problems. Reuter/Philimon Bulawayo

Why we need to tread carefully in drawing up human rights rules for business

Traditionally human rights are viewed as being indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. The notion that a company may need to choose which human rights it will protect is antithetical.
Persecution based on a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex variation is recognised as a legitimate ground for seeking refugee status. AAP/Terry Scott

Out of the frying pan and into the fire: the plight of LGBTI refugees

It is estimated that there are 175 million LGBTI persons living in persecutory environments worldwide. Only around 2500 asylum claims founded on sexual orientation or gender identity are successful annually.
The determined avoidance of reference to human rights is a tactic, by both sides of politics, to avoid accountability. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Human rights don’t matter in our public debate – but they should

No-one is inclined to refer to human rights in public debate in Australia when its leaders either avoid the idea or attack it, and the news media are silent on it.
There is precious little dignity available for those Australians who are in the last stages of their lives. shutterstock

The slow politics of dignity for the aged and dying in Australia

The contrast between rights with dignity and rights without is increasingly apparent with regard to two groups of Australians: retirees and those in aged-care facilities.
Myanmar has carried out discriminatory policies against the Rohingya for decades. Nyunt Win/AAP

Between the devil and the deep blue sea: the Rohingya’s dilemma

Despite international pressure, Myanmar’s government intends to continue the decades-long program of discriminatory policies against the Rohingya that denies them their human rights.
Joko Widodo is surrounded by politicians and military generals with agendas that are unlikely to help the Papuans. EPA/Mast Irham

Papuans and Jokowi are hostage to Indonesian politics

The future of Papuans remains subject to the swirling mists of Indonesian national and international political intrigue.

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